[EBB Sightings] Wildcat Canyon swim and bird adventure

[EBB Sightings] Wildcat Canyon swim and bird adventure

Michelle D. Brodie
Thu Apr 07 12:29:00 PDT 2005
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    I haven't been there in a while but I am pretty sure that dogs are not 
    allowed to swim in Alameda Creek.
    Michelle Brodie
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "judi sierra" 
    Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:43 PM
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Wildcat Canyon swim and bird adventure
    > Since Shasta didn't get a promised swim at Sunol  last week ( Alameda 
    > Creek was too swift!) we headed for Wildcat  Canyon in Richmond today. On 
    > the trail up to the Sanitorium site we saw YELLOW RUMPED WARBLERS, many 
    > Audubon's and one male Myrtle in summer plumage. At the site, Shasta 
    > disappeared into the creek and I  stood in one spot near the bare walnut 
    > trees and the palms  and watched a pair of HOODED ORIOLES chasing a pair 
    > of WESTERN BLUEBIRDS out of the palm closest to the  main trail. (They may 
    > be nesting there. I couldn't tell.) There was also a pair NUTTAL"S 
    > Woodpeckers "doin' it" on the snag , a pair of HOUSE WRENS and  in the 
    > singles club, a RED BREASTED NUTHATCH. After Shasta dried herself off in 
    > the mud we headed back down and saw an ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER and a 
    > BEWICK'S WREN taking a dust bath on the trail. While I was looking at  a 
    > into the stream again and rinsed off the mud. With a clean dog in tow we 
    > stopped at the parking lot to view many Wilson's Warblers.
    > Judi Sierra- Oakland
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