[EBB Sightings] Wildcat Canyon swim and bird adventure

[EBB Sightings] Wildcat Canyon swim and bird adventure

judi sierra
Wed Apr 06 17:44:00 PDT 2005
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    Since Shasta didn't get a promised swim at Sunol  last week ( Alameda Creek 
    was too swift!) we headed for Wildcat  Canyon in Richmond today. On the 
    trail up to the Sanitorium site we saw YELLOW RUMPED WARBLERS, many 
    Audubon's and one male Myrtle in summer plumage. At the site, Shasta 
    disappeared into the creek and I  stood in one spot near the bare walnut 
    trees and the palms  and watched a pair of HOODED ORIOLES chasing a pair of 
    WESTERN BLUEBIRDS out of the palm closest to the  main trail. (They may be 
    nesting there. I couldn't tell.) There was also a pair NUTTAL"S Woodpeckers 
    "doin' it" on the snag , a pair of HOUSE WRENS and  in the singles club, a 
    RED BREASTED NUTHATCH. After Shasta dried herself off in the mud we headed 
    back down and saw an ORANGE CROWNED WARBLER and a BEWICK'S WREN taking a 
    dust bath on the trail. While I was looking at  a PACIFIC SLOPED FLYCATCHER 
    and some RUBY CROWNED KINGLETS. Shasta snuck off into the stream again and 
    rinsed off the mud. With a clean dog in tow we stopped at the parking lot to 
    view many Wilson's Warblers.
    Judi Sierra- Oakland

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