[EBB Sightings] Sunol Harris's Sparrow Continues

[EBB Sightings] Sunol Harris's Sparrow Continues

Dennis Braddy
Sun Apr 03 17:18:01 PDT 2005
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Harris Sparrow continues at Sunol Regional
  • Next Message: [EBB Sightings] Terminate please - oakoak1044@yahoo.com

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    Soon after I arrived at Sunol Regional Wilderness this morning I saw a 
    RED-SHOULDERED HAWK bring nesting material to the same sycamore tree 
    where one has nested in previous years. The nest is just downstream and 
    visible from the footbridge. I also had a BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK. But 
    after an hour of not finding the Harris's Sparrow I decided to take a 
    hike. On the trail to Little Yosemite another Black-headed Grosbeak was 
    singing. At a small stock pond below the Cerro Este Vista I was 
    surprised to see a GREATER YELLOWLEGS. Within a few minutes of 
    returning to the parking lot after a 4 hour hike, along with several 
    other birders I had 2 or 3 BULLOCK'S ORIOLES, another Black-headed 
    Grosbeak, and the HARRIS'S SPARROW.
    Dennis Braddy
    San Ramon

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