[EBB Sightings] Livermore - Veteran's Park and Robertson Park

[EBB Sightings] Livermore - Veteran's Park and Robertson Park

William Clark
Fri Apr 29 13:46:00 PDT 2005
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    Great location! Thanks for the tip.
    Fri 4/28, 11am
    Robertson Park
    Western Tanager (5 to 8 individuals)
    Wilson's Warbler
    Orange-Crowned Warbler
    Nuttall's Woodpecker
    Allen's (or Rufous?) Hummingbird
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Oak Titmouse
    Tree Swallow
    Black Phoebe
    Red Tail Hawk
    American Crow
    American Goldfinch
    Mourning Dove
    European Starling
    Brewer's Blackbird
    Western Scrub-Jay
    House Finch
    There were a lot more that I only heard, and so are
    not listed above... I really need to learn the calls.
    Bill Clark
    Wednesday April 27, 8am to 10am.
    Veterans Park:  Nashville Warbler, just downstream
    of old Vet's Hospital bridge.
    Robertson Park:  3 Cassin's Vireos, 1 Warbling Vireo,
    2 Yellow Warblers (male), 1 Black-throated Gray
    all in first quarter mile downstream of the Arroyo
    Road bridge.
    Art Edwards
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