[EBB Sightings] attack of the killer turkeys

[EBB Sightings] attack of the killer turkeys

Laura Gee
Mon Mar 14 19:47:00 PST 2005
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    But the gates don't keep out the turkeys.
    Laura Gee
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "Debbie Viess" 
    To: "'ebbsightings'" 
    Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 8:45 AM
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] attack of the killer turkeys
    > For those of us who are seeing more and more turkeys in their
    > neighborhoods, a cautionary note from a friend of mine, Kris Lutey, who
    > lives up in Cool, CA (in the Sierra foothills). Wild turkeys are well
    > established there. She lives in a large, gated community that includes
    > extensive oak and pine woodlands. In fact, this is the same area (Auburn
    > Hills) where the woman jogger was killed by a mountain lion several
    > years back. Maybe it's something in the water.
    > I have never heard of this kind of direct aggression before. Here is her
    > note:
    > "My brother in law was visiting from Michigan a few weeks ago and went
    > for an early evening walk around our area with his 5 year old son. Along
    > the way they came upon a gaggle of turkeys lurking about on the road. We
    > have a lot of turkeys around here, these were Toms and hens and older
    > chicks in a group of at least 15/20. They were close to Bobby and
    > Richard enuf that Richard (the 5 year old) mentioned to his dad that he
    > thought they should get moving. Dad was just intrigued by the sight and
    > lingered. A bit too long perhaps as the more aggressive turkey toms came
    > very close and then one actually jumped on Bobby's back, planting his
    > feet on his back. He had the feet marks to prove it on his jacket.
    > Suffice to say that they moved away, quickly and the turkeys followed a
    > ways.
    > He never had this happen before but in California, anything can happen."
    > Although Kris walks these trails on a daily basis, she has never had a
    > problem with the local wildlife, other than the landscape munching deer.
    > Of course, she always has her dogs with her.
    > Debbie Viess
    > Oakland, CA
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