[EBB Sightings] Sibley Eagles

[EBB Sightings] Sibley Eagles

Tue Mar 29 12:21:00 PST 2005
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    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
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    On a related issue: I received this letter today from the East Bay Regional=20
    Parks biologist regarding a concern shared on this list serv about campgroun=
    development at Sibley.
    "Thank you for your comments regarding the proposed projects at Sibley=20
    Volcanic Regional Preserve.   Since 1990 the District=E2=80=99s Stewardship=20=
    staff has been=20
    monitoring the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nest.   The eagles have=20
    consistently nested in various conifers at Round Top which is over _ of a mi=
    le from=20
    and out of view of any of the proposed projects described in the Sibley=20
    Volcanic Regional Preserve Land Use Plan Amendment.    Furthermore, they are=
    currently nesting immediately adjacent to an existing paved road which is al=
    utilized by service vehicles and is open to frequent public access.   In add=
    within the last decade, two major wildfires have occurred at Sibley near or=20
    directly below the nest site.   During the fire and for several weeks after,=
    fire crews worked in this area using chain saws and other equipment to remov=
    hazardous trees.   Nevertheless, with all this human activity the eagles hav=
    not abandoned their nesting territory, but appeared to have habituated and=20
    continue to successfully nest at this site.   We recognize this eagle pair i=
    s very=20
    tolerant and is not representative of nesting raptors elsewhere."
    Mark J. Rauzon
    Marine Endeavours
    4701 Edgewood Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94602
    mjrauz at aol.com
    Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
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    Content-Language: en
    eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">On a related issue: I received this let=
    ter today from the East Bay Regional Parks biologist regarding a concern sha=
    red on this list serv about campground development at Sibley.
    "Thank you for your comments regarding the proposed projects at Sibl= ey Volcanic Regional Preserve.  Since 1990 the District=E2=80=99s Stew= ardship staff has been monitoring the golden eagle (Aquila chrysa= etos) nest.  The eagles have consistently nested in variou= s conifers at Round Top which is over _ of a mile from and out of view of an= y of the proposed projects described in the Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserv= e Land Use Plan Amendment.   Furthermore, they are currently nest= ing immediately adjacent to an existing paved road which is already utilized= by service vehicles and is open to frequent public access.  In additi= on, within the last decade, two major wildfires have occurred at Sibley near= or directly below the nest site.  During the fire and for several wee= ks after, fire crews worked in this area using chain saws and other equipmen= t to remove hazardous trees.  Nevertheless, with all this human activi= ty the eagles have not abandoned their nesting territory, but appeared to ha= ve habituated and continue to successfully nest at this site.  We reco= gnize this eagle pair is very tolerant and is not representative of nesting=20= raptors elsewhere."

    Mark J. Rauzon
    Marine Endeavours
    4701 Edgewood Ave.
    Oakland, CA 94602
    mjrauz at aol.com

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