[EBB Sightings] "Common" Teal at Arrowhead Marsh

[EBB Sightings] "Common" Teal at Arrowhead Marsh

Kay Loughman
Thu Feb 03 07:18:01 PST 2005
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    During the early 1990s and perhaps earlier, a "Common" or Eurasian 
    Green-winged Teal was reported annually on the Oakland Christmas Bird 
    Count - and always from the group who counted at the Oakland Airport. I 
    don't recall reading about any other sightings of this species in the 
    East Bay.
    Kay Loughman
    Bruce Mast wrote:
    > Jerry,
    > Tom's right. According to my records, this bird was first reported by Dave
    > Dillon back on December 24. It was the only Eurasian Green-winged Teal
    > reported in the Bay Area last month, not counting a couple hybrids. For
    > comparison purposes, I tallied 20-25 reported Eurasian Wigeons and 50-60
    > Hooded Mergansers in the Bay Area last month. If Arrowhead Marsh is "in your
    > backyard", consider yourself blessed.
    > Bruce Mast
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    > [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of Tom Condit
    > Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 7:25 PM
    > To: Slazie at aol.com
    > Cc: sightings at diabloaudubon.com
    > Subject: Re: [EBB Sightings] "Common" Teal at Arrowhead Marsh
    > The "Eurasian Green-winged" or "Common" teal is rare around here, but not 
    > unheard of. I saw one at Arrowhead several years ago, and just last week 
    > while we were out looking at the Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, another 
    > birder said that she was going off to look for the "Eurasian 
    > Green-winged  Teal", so I think that's probably the same one you saw, and 
    > that others have also seen it.
    > Tom Condit
    > At 09:13 PM 2/2/05 -0500, Slazie at aol.com wrote:
    >>This afternoon (2/2) I spotted a "common" teal at Arrowhead Marsh. It was 
    >>a male mixed in with several green winged teal. It looked just like the 
    >>illustration in Sibley. There was no white vertical bar and a bold white 
    >>stripe was present along the side. The teals were at the end of the pier 
    >>going into the marsh. Is this a common bird in this area? Also spotted 3 
    >>rails chasing each other.
    >>Jerry Bibbey
    > Tom Condit
    > tomcondit at igc.org
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