[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh/MLK Jr Shoreline, 02-05-2005

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh/MLK Jr Shoreline, 02-05-2005

Sun Feb 06 12:55:01 PST 2005
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    I found a Burrowing Owl there as recently as March 6, 2004. Does anyone have
    specific dates on when they turned on the parking lot lights and started
    using it? The lot was completed well before March 6.
    Bruce Mast
    -----Original Message-----
    From: sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com
    [mailto:sightings-admin at diabloaudubon.com] On Behalf Of kathy jarrett
    Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 8:46 PM
    To: east bay sightings
    Subject: [EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh/MLK Jr Shoreline, 02-05-2005
    GGAS Arrowhead Marsh Bicycle Birding Trip
    Saturday, February 5, 2005
    Trip Report by Kathy Jarrett
    >From the East Creek Point Trailhead by the High Street
    Bridge, we enjoyed the newly paved trail, and there
    was really good birding all the to Arrowhead Marsh,
    with Surf Scoters and Egrets main attractions. At
    Edgewater seasonal wetland on Damon Slough we saw the
    Northern Pintail. We didnt see any Clapper Rails at
    Arrowhead but did see a Sora, a Nelsons Sharp-tail
    Sparrow as well as Marsh Wrens and a Common
    Yellowthroat. We rode down the channel of San Leandro
    Creek and by the seasonal ponds. We saw the Northern
    Mockingbird and the Loggerhead Shrike on the fence
    separating MLK Jr. Shoreline EBRP from the airport
    long-term parking lot, and it is so very clear that
    this is not the spot we want a casino. Burrowing owls
    were not seen at all, and it would seem that they are
    just not here since the parking lot went in. We also
    found the Common (Eurasian) Teal in the pond nearest
    the entrance road from Swan Way. It looks almost
    exactly like the Green-winged Teal, except that it
    doesnt have the vertical white stripe just forward of
    the wing, and its under-tail coverts are a deeper
    yellow. 58 birds seen:
    Pied-billed Grebe
    Horned Grebe
    Eared Grebe
    Western Grebe
    Clark's Grebe
    Double-crested Cormorant
    Great Blue Heron
    Great Egret
    Snowy Egret
    Canada Goose
    Green-winged Teal
    Northern Pintail
    Northern Shoveler
    American Wigeon
    Greater Scaup
    Lesser Scaup
    Surf Scoter
    Common Goldeneye
    Ruddy Duck
    White-tailed Kite
    Peregrine Falcon
    American Coot
    Black-necked Stilt
    American Avocet
    Greater Yellowlegs
    Long-billed Curlew
    Marbled Godwit
    Western Sandpiper
    Least Sandpiper
    Ring-billed Gull
    Forster's Tern
    Rock Dove (I)
    Mourning Dove
    Anna's Hummingbird
    Belted Kingfisher
    American Crow
    Marsh Wren
    Northern Mockingbird
    Loggerhead Shrike
    European Starling (I)
    Common Yellowthroat
    California Towhee
    Savannah Sparrow
    White-crowned Sparrow
    Red-winged Blackbird
    Western Meadowlark
    Brewer's Blackbird
    House Finch
    House Sparrow (I)
    Common Teal (Eurasian)
    Nelson's Sharp-ta
    kathy jarrett
    kathy_jarrett at yahoo.com
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