[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt hybrid pictures

[EBB Sightings] Lake Merritt hybrid pictures

Laura Look
Thu Jan 20 22:07:02 PST 2005
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    Thanks to all for the thoughts about the (probable) goldeneye X merganser 
    hybrid.  While I'd love to be able to know what this strange bird's 
    parentage is, I suspect we'll never know for sure.
    My personal thoughts are that it's Barrow's X Hoodie, but I'm not expert 
    and I don't feel strongly about it.  I've assumed Barrow's because of the 
    white spots on the wing.  I've assumed hoodie over other mergansers because 
    of the dark bill, gray-brown sides, and 2 black lines on the shoulder.  The 
    bird's head color could be viewed as an intermediate between a Barrow's 
    purplish sheen and the hoodie's black.
    Thanks to Travis Hails for what I believe was the first message posted 
    about this bird.  I also found it interesting that he mentioned that the 
    bird seemed to be associating more with Barrow's.  While I was watching, 
    most of the birds were feeding a lot, and there was no obvious grouping by 
    type at all.  Perhaps they group by species more when they're resting?
    Concerning the genetics question, I have to admit that I assumed the bird 
    (if indeed a hybrid) would be infertile, like a mule?

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