[EBB Sightings] arrowhead marsh - no shrike

[EBB Sightings] arrowhead marsh - no shrike

Mon Jan 17 19:26:01 PST 2005
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    Went stalking the Northernhead Shrike at Arrowhead Marsh but came up empty.
    A Northern Mockingbird made me look twice and Say's Phoebe is still hanging
    around. Still no Burrowing Owl. 
    Consolation prize birds were an OSPREY actively hunting over duck ponds and
    channel and a nice mixed flock of geese over on the goose pasture. Most
    (60-65) were Canadas but there were 20-25 CACKLING GEESE (including minima,
    leucopareia, and maybe hutchinsii) and about a dozen GREATER WHITE-FRONTED.
    Stephanie Arthur and I picked out the Eurasian GREEN-WINGED TEAL from the
    flock of its American cousins. Stephanie reported seeing the MERLIN but I
    lost the light before I got that far into the park.
    Bruce Mast

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