[EBB Sightings] Northern Shrike?

[EBB Sightings] Northern Shrike?

Les Chibana
Mon Jan 17 14:45:02 PST 2005
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    Wendy's photos look like a Northern Shrike to me. The bill is on the 
    longish side with a pale base on the lower bill, the lores are white, 
    and the mask does not connect over the bill. In some of the shots, it 
    still looks large-headed, but not so in some, e.g., row 1, #2 &4; row 
    2, #3. Also, it does not appear to be a 1st winter bird because it 
    lacks the brownish barring on the undersides. If they are present, they 
    are very faint n the photos.
    Nice shots, Wendy. I think you can go hop around gleefully.
    Les Chibana
    On Jan 17, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Wendy St John wrote:
    > On Jan 17, 2005, at 10:46 AM, Les Chibana wrote:
    >> On the NorCal Birdbox this morning's transcript:
    >>> Alameda Co.
    >>> -----------
    >>> On Jan 16, an adult NORTHERN SHRIKE and MERLIN were seen at
    >>> Martin Luther King Jr Regional Shoreline in Alameda. The shrike
    >>> was on the left hand isde of the entrance road, across from
    >>> the end of the 1st pond. The merlin was also on the left
    >>> hand side, just before the last parking lot. (Tracy Scwartz)
    >> Has there been any resightings, confirmations, or more description of 
    >> the bird? Is there any more knowledge of this sighting?
    > This is VERY interesting to me, as a couple of times last month 
    > (December 19th and 20th), I saw a bird I suspected of being a northern 
    > shrike in what sounds like the same location as this bird was seen 
    > yesterday. I've never seen a northern shrike, though, and after 
    > studying various books, I didn't feel confident in calling it a 
    > northern, rather than a loggerhead, because the mask looked more 
    > extensive than on some of the northerns pictured. The bird I saw, 
    > however, did seem to have a longer beak than is pictured in some of 
    > the field guides.
    > The good news is . . . I have pictures of my bird. You'll find a few 
    > of them (the best of the bunch) here:
    > http://homepage.mac.com/herebedragons/shrike/
    > I would love to hear opinions from people with experience of both 
    > birds, one way or the other. If this turns out to be a northern 
    > shrike, I'd be a happy bunny. (Life bird)! ::grin::
    > Wendy St John
    > San Ramon, CA
    > herebedragons at mac.com

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