[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh

[EBB Sightings] Arrowhead Marsh

Pamela Llewellyn
Fri Dec 31 17:36:01 PST 2004
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    During a cold, wet and brief visit to Arrowhead marsh today we were treated to the following:
    The pond accross from the Garetson Point parking lot is FULL of
    (amongst others) 
    the canal to the north was filled with Canvasback (all listed above were VERY close - almost didn't need binos)
    On the way to the pier:
    One lone loon (Pacific)
    Lots of Common goldeneye
    A lone Black turnstone amongst many sleeping shorebirds of modest variety
    At the pier I found myself searching for the Nelson's Sharp-tailed sparrow along with Patrick King,
    unfortunately to no avail, but, we were treated to close looks of about
    10 Clapper rail (at least 30 were heard calling) and one Sora
    10 Greater white-fronted geese
    Several Pipits
    The Merlin was not to be found but there were about
    20 - 30 White-throated swifts circling above the trail to the east of the pier
    Along the Emeryville shoreline just north of the Ashby exit, of note were about
    20 - 30 Redheads in a mixed raft with Scaup, Rudys and others - very close to the shoreline
    and a single Red-breasted merganser
    Happy new year of birding
    Pamela Llewellyn
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