[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina

[EBB Sightings] Hayward Shoreline and San Leandro Marina

Donald Lewis
Thu Nov 04 17:02:00 PST 2004
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    In addition to the 10 Lapland Longspurs and one Chestnut-collared 
    Longspur at Mt Trashmore, our group saw over 100 Red Knots at the nearby 
    Hayward's Landing area about 10:30 AM, Thursday, Nov.4.
    Near Par Course station 13 at the San Leandro Marina, there was one 
    Wandering Tattler at water's edge and a nice Aleutian Goose among the 
    Canadas on the grass.
    Don Lewis
    Lafayette, CA
    donlewis at comcast.net 

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