[EBB Sightings] Bird Sightings from Briones Regional Park and Lafayette

[EBB Sightings] Bird Sightings from Briones Regional Park and Lafayette

Jim Tietz
Mon Nov 29 17:54:00 PST 2004
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Curly corvid
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    Rebecca Green and I went for a short walk into Briones Regional Park on 
    November 26.  We started at about noon from the Bear Creek entrance and 
    walked up the Old Briones Road Tr.  At about 0.6 miles  just past the Black 
    Oak Trail jct., we saw a flock of 200 Lesser Goldfinches, 2 Pine Siskins, 5 
    Western Bluebirds, and a Say�s Phoebe get attacked by an immature 
    Sharp-shinned Hawk.  At 0.9 miles we took a right onto the Valley Trail.  
    Turning over over a board along the creek we found a California Newt.  After 
    another 0.9 miles we took a right onto the Briones Crest Trail. At several 
    places along our walk I pished in large multi-species flocks of birds that 
    often contained a surprise like the Townsend�s Warblers, Golden-crowned 
    Kinglet, or Hutton�s Vireos.  Near the Sunrise Trail jct, we saw a flock of 
    60 Band-tailed Pigeons in the top of a tree, possibly feeding in a bay.  
    Flipping a log here, Rebecca found a California Slender Salamander.  We 
    decended via the Crescent Ridge Trail back to Bear Creek.  The entire bird 
    list is posted below.
    Also of note, Rebecca and I saw a female Wood Duck on Thanksgiving Day on 
    Las Trampas Creek in Lafayette.
    Good Birding,
    Jim Tietz
    3 Turkey Vulture
    1 White-tailed Kite
    1 Sharp-shinned Hawk
    4 Red-tailed Hawk
    2 American Kestrel
    60 Band-tailed Pigeon
    3 Anna�s Hummingbird
    3 Acorn Woodpecker
    3 Nuttall�s Woodpecker
    3 Northern Flicker
    3 Black Phoebe
    1 Say�s Phoebe
    2 Hutton�s Vireo
    10 Steller�s Jay
    5 Western Scrub-Jay
    5 American Crow
    6 Oak Titmouse
    15 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
    40 Bushtit
    1 White-breasted Nuthatch
    6 Bewick�s Wren
    3 Wrentit
    1 Golden-crowned Kinglet
    15 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
    5 Western Bluebird
    3 Hermit Thrush
    1 Cedar Waxwing
    3 Yellow-rumped Warbler
    5 Townsend�s Warbler
    3 Spotted Towhee
    3 California Towhee
    1 Rufous-crowned Sparrow
    20 Golden-crowned Sparrow
    4 Fox Sparrow
    2 Song Sparrow
    25 Dark-eyed Junco
    30 Western Meadowlark
    10 House Finch
    2 Pine Siskin
    300 Lesser Goldfinch

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