[EBB Sightings] Curly corvid

[EBB Sightings] Curly corvid

Terry Coddington
Mon Nov 29 12:12:00 PST 2004
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    Dear EBBers,]
    	Today, while sorting through 8-10 Steller's Jays for the Cornell Feeder
    Watch, I noticed a Steller's with extreme bill curvature that forced him to
    eat seed with the side of his head near the ground:  both upper and lower
    mandibles were decurved more than 180 degrees, curling back under his gape.
    I marveled that he was surviving, maybe thanks to the feeding stations. 
    Earlier this yea I had seen a Steller's with upper mandible curved down
    over the lower, and am wondering if today's sighting is a more advanced
    stage of the same bird?  I'm in northeast Berkeley. Good sightings.
    Terry Coddington
    tlcodd at earthlink.net
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