[EBB Sightings] Martinez Shoreline and McNabney

[EBB Sightings] Martinez Shoreline and McNabney

Sun Nov 28 21:06:00 PST 2004
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    The following were at the Martinez shoreline after the rains on Saturday. 
    On the pond, 2 Red-breasted Mergansers and 2 Common Goldeneyes among the
    Canvasbacks and Ruddy Ducks.  In the mudflat, 4 Black-crowned Night-Heron
    (including 1 juvenile) were down from their roosting spot.  Just a lone
    Long-billed Dowitcher among the Avocet and Black-necked Stilt.  The 10+
    Semipalmated Plover that are usually present around low tide were not
    present this afternoon.    A patient birder can spot Virginia Rail on the
    North side of the cement bridge here, usually at low tide.   At the remote
    West end of the trail, offshore, were 12+ Barrow�s Goldeneye, 1 Surf
    Scoter, and small numbers of Clark�s and Western Grebe.  The Scaup
    flotilla is still small.  Two sea lions were on the buoy far offshore.
    At McNabney Marsh, which was drained until a month ago, the ducks are
    returning.  There were perhaps several hundred Northern Shoveler and
    Green-winged Teal.  Also handfuls of Northern Pintail, American Wigeon,
    Cinnamon Teal, and Bufflehead.   The Egyptian Goose is present.  I haven�t
    seen any Common Moorhen since the marsh was refilled.  The viewing
    platform is far better in the morning with the sun at your back.
    Patrick King
    Martinez / Berkeley

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