[EBB Sightings] More birds on Altamont Creek in springtown.

[EBB Sightings] More birds on Altamont Creek in springtown.

Thu Oct 28 09:19:00 PDT 2004
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    Yesterday, Wednesday, along Altamont Creek in Springtown, I saw
    two Pectoral Sandpipers together, and my first Dunlin and Avocet in
    Livermore since last winter.  They were seen from the paved path on
    the north side of the creek, between Bluebell Avenue and Springtown
    Another good spot to check on Altamont Creek is downstream from
    Springtown Boulevard, on the paved trail on the south side of the
    creek, where the trail ends about 1/4 mile downstream.  Last week
    I saw two Virginia Rails, a Sora, two Moorhens, a Marsh Wren and
    a Yellowthroat there, and Ring-necked Pheasants along the way.
    Also yesterday, I saw several Redheads, several Canvasbacks, many
    Shovelers, several American Wigeons, a few Gadwalls, Western
    and Clarks's Grebes, an Eared Grebe, and three White Pelicans at
    Lake I.  The Pelicans have been regular there for the last year,
    numbering from 1-17 or more.  To reach this spot, from Santa Rita
    Road in Pleasanton, turn east on Mohr Avenue, which is between
    Las Positas Road and Valley Boulevard, go to the east end of
    Mohr Avenue (about a mile), turn left on Martin, go one block,
    make a U-turn, and park on the west side of the street.
    Walk east though the park-like area to the chain-link fence, where
    you can see into the gravel pit designated Lake I.  A good telescope,
    20X or better, is essential, as most of the birds are rather far away.
    Art Edwards

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