[EBB Sightings] GGAS Cordell Pelagic

[EBB Sightings] GGAS Cordell Pelagic

John Luther
Fri Sep 10 12:45:02 PDT 2004
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    Hi East Bay Birders,
    Since the trip described below is a Golden Gate Audubon trip I thought you
    might want to hear about.   Alan describes the trip below and the Golden
    Gate Web page also describes it in more detail under field trips at
    http://www.goldengateaudubon.org/birding/fieldtrips.htm .  I will be helping
    Alan lead the trip.
    John Luther
    Hi Birders,
    I thought I would let you know about a Golden Gate Audubon
    Society/Shearwater Journeys Trip to the Cordell Bank on
    Columbus Day, Monday October 11. I would not normally Post
    this on sfbirds, however the announcement for the trip did
    not make it into the September Gull. GGAS members get a
    very nice discount (more than the cost of becoming a
    member). For more information contact me: Alan Hopkins

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