[EBB Sightings] RE: [CALBIRDS] STINTS?????

[EBB Sightings] RE: [CALBIRDS] STINTS?????

Mike Feighner
Fri Aug 13 09:36:00 PDT 2004
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    Regarding the Stints:
    >From BIRDWEST (Calvin Lou compiler)
    Sonoma Co.
    On Aug 10, the RED-NECKED STINT continues at the mouth of Salmon Creek.
    (Jean Richmond, Jim White, Dave DeSante)
    Alameda Co.
    On Aug 10, a juvenile LITTLE STINT was spotted on the Albany mudflats, which
    is located at Buchanon Street. From I-80, take the Buchanon Street exit
    towards the Golden Gate Fields racetrack. Go 200 yards, walk to the platform
    and scope the mudflats. Best time is 2 hours before and 2 hours after high
    tide. A good scope is needed.
    (Ted Koundakjian)
    There has been no report to either the local list serve EAST BAY BIRDS or
    CALBIRD regarding the Little Stint.
    First report over North Bay Birds (August 10):
    Has anyone seen the stint in the last two days? Strange not to hear
    anything. Hope it's still around  Renna Ulvang, San Bruno, CA
    Second Report over North Bay Birds (August 11):
    Just returned from a late-afternoon unsuccessful try for the stint at the
    Salmon Creek mouth.  While there, received a second-hand report from someone
    who had (I think) spoken to someone who had seen "the stint" today from a
    road along the south bank of the creek (so, the road runs W. of Hwy 1 from
    an intersection S. of the bridge), from which they looked north across the
    creek to a bit of mudflat not visible from the "main" mudflat area between
    the parking areas and the creek, which hidden mudflat was really just a
    short distance around the bend (upstream) from the easily-searched part.
    There you have it.  There was a nice juvenile Baird's and a few dozen
    colorful Westerns, Leasts, and other shorebirds to look through.
    George Giffith, Berkeley
    Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA, Alameda County
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: todtringa [mailto:tje6969 at sbcglobal.net] 
    > Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:21 PM
    > To: CALBIRDS at yahoogroups.com
    > Subject: [CALBIRDS] STINTS?????
    > Hey,
    > So what is the skinny on the STINTS.... and who has confirmed 
    > these birds? Was any one able to get photos of the Red-necked 
    > at Salmon Creek? And did any one confirm the Little Stint in 
    > Albany (photos,other observers)? First report was of a 
    > juvenile Little and second report was of an adult Little? It 
    > sure would be nice if somebody would post something even if 
    > they did not observe the birds.
    > Thanks
    > Todd Easterla, Placer County 

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