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EBBC website additions
Sat, 3 Apr 1999 17:52:04 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

Hi East Bay Birders,

Some modifications to the EBBC website are underway.

First, a set of yard lists has been added. I have a few more to add as soon as I have time to prepare the web pages. I'm hoping that you will be inspired to submit yours to me for posting.

Second, I've added the Alameda and Contra Costa county rare bird alerts from Adam Winer's BirdWest reports (BirdBox transcriptions). If I find time, I'll try to go back and put in last year's alerts.

Third, the weather page now gives at a glance the current conditions for Oakland, Concord, Hayward, and Livermore. Clicking on any of these will give you a detailed report on current conditions and forecast. These features are links to Weather Underground.

I hope you'll check these features out and let me know if you have corrections, suggestions, or ideas for other things to be added.

Best wishes, Larry

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

Subject List

Re: Yard List
Sun, 04 Apr 1999 10:11:47 -0700
From: Kay Loughman

Hi All,

I had a real treat and addition to my yard list this morning: an Osprey! A flyover, heading northwest across Claremont Canyon. It seemed to be in no hurry, so I had good viewing for about four minutes. Maybe this nasty wind is good for something!

Kay Loughman

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Coco Ironhouse Sanitary District
Sun, 04 Apr 1999 21:09:29 -0700
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

You will recall that I birded the Ironhouse Sanitary District Ponds in Oakley in Contra Costa County on 3-26-99. Steve Glover had made the suggestion to bird there early before the crowds flow in if you want to see an American Bittern there. I had birded this location several times in the past and always failed at finding an American Bittern there. Well, the advice paid off. I arrived there before 9 AM, and I had the place to myself. I saw one American Bittern fly out over the third fenced-in pond; this pond is bordered on the east by a pasture. As I approached this pond at 8:56 AM (daylight savings time), an American Bittern flew out toward the north.

The last of White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows, Yellow-rumped Warblers, American Pipits were still present. I heard one Virginia Rail call and observed a cooperative Sora at the north end of the first pond.

For more information about and how to get to the Ironhouse Sanitary District Ponds in Oakley in Contra Costa County, see Steve Glover's write up at:

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

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Some North Bay birding on Sunday
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 07:32:44 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

Yesterday Ore Carmi and I spent the morning at Shollenberger Park in Petaluma, and then a short time at Las Gallinas Sewer Ponds near San Rafael. No terribly unusual birds, although we had quite a lot of different species at Shollenberger. Highlight was an Eared Grebe in almost full breeding plumage in the second pond at Las Gallinas.

These locations are outside the East Bay, so I won't give the full lists here. If you're interested, drop me an e-mail and I'll send them along.

Yard lists: I've put all the ones I've received on the EBBC website. How about some more? You can submit the list in any form - I'll add the Latin names and put the species in sequence, and you can use any kind of annotations you want (or none).

Good birding when it dries out again,

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

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Owl web sites
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:29:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Condit

Here are two web sites about owls. First, in northern England, The Owl Centre (& World Owl Trust):

and in Canada, the Society for Conservation and Research of Owls:

Nice owl photos and species profiles on the veddy British Owl Centre site, but range maps only show British Isles.

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