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Re: Turkeys at CSU, Hayward
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 10:16:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Condit

I don't know about others around here, but the wild turkeys at Sunol are of the "Eastern race" rather than the "Western" (Ozarks, I guess) race. The plumage is pretty easy to distinguish if you get them in even half-decent light. We saw either 11 or 13 (depending upon whether one pair of young males were ones we'd seen before) at Sunol one day, including a truly magnificent picture-book Tom leading a little flock up one of the fire roads.

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Wed, 2 Dec 1998 21:30:27 PST
From: Steve Glover

East Bay Birders,

Yesterday, 12/1, I had a single Surfbird on the breakwater at Pt. Isabel in Richmond. It was there at about 9 am during an extremely high tide. This species may or may not be regular on this breakwater since I don't check it thoroughly with any regularity. They do seem to be regular on the breakwater at the north end of Brooks Is. but these birds would probably only be identifiable from land with a good scope under excellent conditions and they would still have to be flying. I saw them from shore once but only because they were flying. This is only the second time I've seen this species in the county. I was hoping the storm had blown in something interesting but no such luck, in fact there seemed to be fewer birds than on Sunday.

Steve Glover

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Berkeley waterfront planning process
Thu, 3 Dec 1998 22:38:45 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

I understand that the city of Berkeley is currently involved in a process to develop a long-range plan for waterfront development. A variety of individuals and groups are pushing various ideas such as a park where dogs can run free, a golf course, dock facilities for high-speed ferries, and so forth.

I was told that it appears that a single Environmental Impact Report may be done this summer to evaluate all these different proposals. Obviously, if an environmental study is done only in the summer when wintering shorebirds, ducks, loons, grebes, etc. are not present, very significant impacts on birds are likely to be missed. Apparently, there has been almost no input from birders into this process.

I'd suggest that Berkeley residents and the Golden Gate Audubon Society should definitely look into this and make sure that concerns about birds and birding are heard as plans are made.

Thanks, Larry

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

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