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Saturday's Birding - 11/21/98
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 08:32:38 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

Yesterday, 11/21/98 after an unsuccessful search through Eastern Santa Clara County for the Northern Shrike along Mines Road 0.4 mile north of the Junction at the Cattle Guard and a second unsuccessful search for the male Red-naped Sapsucker at MP 10.0 along San Antonio Valley Road at the Arnold Ranch, I completed the day with a third unsuccessful search for the American Dipper at Lake Temescal in Alameda County. On the lake there was one pair of Ring-necked Ducks, and near the south parking lot I observed two Steller's Jays. I don't know where the observer saw the Dipper, but I would expect to have found it along the creek between the south parking lot and the lake.

Also, I just called the Northern California BirdBox (415) 681-7422 where Rich Cimino (isn't he still on the EBB list?) reported Mountain Bluebirds along Patterson Pass Road in Eastern Alameda County at the Stone Ranch wherever that is. No mention of a mile-marker was made.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

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Re: Golden Crowned Kinglets
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 10:40:48 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Condit

I saw a pair of golden-crowned kinglets in the Emeryville Marina last week. In the ten or eleven years I worked in this area, going out walking at least three times a week, I never saw this species there before. Together with a hermit thrush, also never seen there before by me, this brought me up to 130 species total for this area.

There are lots of golden-crowned kinglets in Redwood Regional Park, along with other winter birds such as winter wrens and varied thrushes. The latter seem to me to be more widespread in the park than in previous years - not just along the stream, but also up the hillsides all the way to the ridge trails. This is really subjective, but I seem to recall them being concentrated in the bottom lands in previous years.

Tom Condit

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