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Where is Frick Lake?
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 17:56:17 -0800
From: Judi Sierra

Steve Huckabone posted seeing Blue-winged Teals at Frick Lake in Livermore. I can't find it on my AAA map. Does anyone know where it is?

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Re: Where is Frick Lake?
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 09:45:55 PST
From: Steve Glover

Hi all,

Frick Lake is in Livermore and is just north of Hwy 580 and north of Vasco Rd. To get there from the direction of Oakland go east on Hwy 580 and exit at Vasco Rd. Take Vasco Rd north and go over the overpass. Make an immediate right on what I think is Northfront Rd - whatever the name it is the frontage road. Very quickly you will turn left on Laughlin Rd. The small lake will be on your right.

This site is mentioned in Jean Richmond's Birding Northern California in the section covering the Altamont Pass area. Though 20 years old [and out of print] this book is still very useful, particularly for the East Bay, as 27 different birding sites in Alameda and Contra Costa County are covered. This lake has produced records of Long-tailed Duck, Pacific Loon and Solitary Sandpiper and I have seen Glaucous Gull there twice during the winter.

Good birding,
Steve Glover

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Development at Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area, Pleasanton
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 11:31:23 -0800
From: Ron

Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area is a great place for birding near downtown Pleasanton. It even has a heron and cormorant rookery on an island on the eastern edge of the park. I was disappointed to learn that the neighboring water slide may be expanded significantly. I don't see myself listening for birds over the noise of 4,000 screaming people.

Here's some more info:

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Frick Lake, Livermore
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 18:54:23 -0800
From: Judi Sierra

Thanks all for the directions to Frick Lake in Livermore. There were several Cinnamon Teals but no Blue-winged Teals. I found the pair of Blue-winged Teals at the pond at Dalton Ave & Ames St along with 7 or 8 Cinnamon Teals, 2 Buffleheads and 5 Killdeer. My first stop was El Charro Rd to find the Redheads but the "Private road / No trespassing" sign was back up. If there weren't so many gravel and cement trucks on the road I might have continued. I returned on the backroads to Danville and counted 7 American Kestrels, 6 Red-tailed Hawks, 1 male Northern Harrier.

Judi Sierra - Oakland

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Great-tailed Grackles near Martinez
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 21:52:47 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

"Dianeladybirder" sends the following report:

I have lived in Contra Costa County for over 25 years so consequently I bird the McNabney Marsh /Waterbird Regional Preserve area often [on Waterbird Way off Waterfront Rd east of Martinez]. Today, 21 February I was looking for the 2 male Great-tailed Grackles and was very surprised to see 3 males sitting on the benches in the parking lot as well as 3 females feeding on the ground. Also, on the south end of the ponds on the Mtn. View Sanitation District road [off Arthur Rd] there is an Egyptian-type domestic or feral goose residing.

Posted to EBB by Larry Tunstall

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