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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:22:52 PST
From: Bob Richmond

The following was seen at the shoreline today

W Winton Ave:

Mt Trashmore:

San Francisco Bay:

Grant Ave:

Mouth of San Lorenzo Creek:

San Lorenzo Community Park:

Good Birding

Subject Index

Location for American White Pelicans feeding?
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:52:21 -0800
From: Rusty Scalf

Does anyone on this list know of a place where American White Pelicans can consistently be seen foraging?

Rusty Scalf
Berkeley, CA

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Some more Berkeley birds
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:46:38 -0800
From: Tom Condit

Friday, October 24, about 5:30 PM, as Marsha Feinland and I were walking across the UC Berkeley campus, a Red-shouldered Hawk dove into the vines about three feet from us about 20 feet west of the statue of the football coach on the walk which leads from the Young Ladies' Club water fountain to Sproul Plaza. It thrashed around on the ground for a bit, then as a bicycle whizzed by it flew up into a low branch over the walk on the creek side. We thought at first that it had been flushed by the bike, but it proceeded to feed on something too small for us to see as it perched on the branch, biting it off in small chunks. Two Steller's Jays squawked at it, but it didn't budge, despite having us less than 10 feet away staring. We couldn't tell whether the jays were engaged in territorial mobbing or were hoping to steal some of the mouse or vole or whatever it was the hawk had caught. Best view of a Red-shouldered Hawk out of captivity either of us has ever had - which was fortunate, because we didn't have binoculars with us.

Earlier in the afternoon, there was a flock of Cedar Waxwings on the 2200 block of McGee Ave, Berkeley.

Today, Sunday October 26, there was a flock of about six Fox Sparrows foraging off a trail in the UC Botanical Garden. I've never seen this many so close together before. Is this unusual?

Tom Condit

Subject Index

Re: Location for American White Pelicans feeding?
Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:31:27 -0800
From: Les Chibana


In the South Bay, there have been in the neighborhood of 500 American White Pelicans moving between the Pond A1 next to Sailing Lake at Mountain View Shoreline Park and the Palo Alto Flood Control Basin. A week ago Saturday, I took my birding class out there and we were mesmerized by the flights of birds moving from farther out in Pond A1 to the Flood Control Basin right over our location at the bleachers near the start of the Charleston Slough Trail. This past Saturday, I took my Beginning Shorebirds class to the area and while we didn't have them flying over, they were feeding in Adobe Creek right next to the Charleston Slough Trail. Close views!

Les Chibana, Palo Alto

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Varied Thrush in Oakland Hills
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 08:50:04 -0800 (PST)
From: John Harris

This morning I heard Varied Thrush calls along the Sinawik Trail just below the Lookout in Joaquin Miller Park, Oakland.

John H. Harris
Biology Department, Mills College
Oakland, CA

Subject Index

Re: Location for American White Pelicans feeding?
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 12:22:16 -0800
From: Lisa Owens-Viani

Rusty Scalf wrote:

Does anyone on this list know of a place where White Pelicans can consistently be seen foraging?

Shollenberger Marsh, Petaluma, and Shorebird Marsh, Corte Madera. [Both locations are in the North Bay.]


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