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Re: Terns at Arrowhead Marsh, Oakland
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 10:52:23 -0700
From: Paul Webster

I'd like to send a word of thanks to everyone who responded with information about the terns I probably saw on September 17th. Next time I'm there I'll be sure to have my scope along. Up here, resident Caspian Terns are on Puget Sound, and migrating Common Terns are being seen here and there, too.

Paul Webster

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Bald Eagle near Orinda
Wed, 01 Oct 2003 11:58:54 -0700
From: Kitty O'Neil

I just saw the Bald Eagle soaring in circles (and being bugged by a Red-tailed Hawk) over Bear Creek Rd just south and west of Briones Dam, north of Orinda.

Also saw Say's Phoebe, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Acorn Woodpecker, Wrentit, and lots of usual suspects.

Good birding!

Kitty O'Neil
Orinda, CA

Subject Index

Northern Harrier vs Belted Kingfisher at Hayward Regional Shoreline
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 16:54:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tim Kask

On Monday September 29 at lunchtime, I witnessed something which seemed unusual to me at Hayward Regional Shoreline. Flying over one of the fenced sewage treatment ponds was a Belted Kingfisher being pursued by a Northern Harrier. The kingfisher would fly along zigging and zagging. When the harrier got very close, the kingfisher would drop into the water, and fly out in the opposite direction, escaping the attack.

The kingfisher stayed over the water at all times, and this must be what prevented the kill. How would a harrier make a kill in 2 feet of water? I watched this for several minutes, with the kingfisher making 6 to 8 dives and 180 degree escapes before the harrier gave up and left the area. The kingfisher retired to the fence to rest.

Has anyone else reported anything similar to this?

Tim Kask

Subject Index

Hayward Regional Shoreline
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 20:50:08 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

The following was seen today

W Winton Ave

Hayward Landing

Mt Trashmore


Subject Index

Musings over June sighting of Short-eared Owl in Rossmoor
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 09:49:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Diane Perry

Numerous great photos of Short-Eared Owls on this website:
The last two photos in the group really look like the owl I saw in Rossmoor (that there was much debate about) a couple of months ago. Ironically, the pictures of these owls were taken in Russia! Could American Short-Eared Owls bear a close resemblance to Russian Short-Eared Owls? (However, for my own peace of mind, these pictures almost cinch for me that the owl I saw in Rossmoor was a Short-Eared owl). I believe someone said there was a sighting of one in Moraga, also, and that is not far away from Rossmoor.

Diane Perry
Walnut Creek, CA

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Ferruginous Hawk in San Ramon
Thu, 02 Oct 2003 16:50:44 -0700
From: Patricia Braddy


Our first Ferruginous Hawk of the season perched atop one of the redwood trees in our backyard yesterday morning.

Patricia Braddy
San Ramon

Subject Index

Urban 3rd grade birdwalk in Berkeley
Fri, 03 Oct 2003 06:46:21 -0700
From: John Poole

Yesterday, as part of an ornithology unit for 3rd graders at Malcolm X elementary school in Berkeley, I took a group of children on a short birdwalk near the school.

None of the children had ever been on a birdwalk before and so had no idea of the variety of birds in the neighborhood. It is really a pleasure to show birds to kids who don't know enough not to get excited about a House Sparrow.

Within a block of the school we saw: California Gull, Golden-crowned Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Mourning Dove, Cooper's Hawk, European Starling, Anna's Hummingbird, Black Phoebe, Rock Dove, Western Scrub-Jay, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, House Finch, House Sparrow, and American Robin.

John Poole

Subject Index

Palm Warbler in Berkeley Hills
Sat, 4 Oct 2003 16:40:01 -0700
From: Bob Battagin

Hi All,

This afternoon at 1:30 PM I saw a Palm Warbler at Inspiration Point in Tilden Regional Park in the Berkeley Hills.

The bird was along the north end of the parking lot where it is bordered by a barbed wire fence and a dirt road trail. The bird was perching on the fence and foraging on the ground in the vicinity of the fence.

Good birding,
Bob Battagin
Oakland, CA

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