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Acorn Woodpecker returns to Alameda Creek
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 10:16:18 PST
From: Phil Gordon

Greetings EBB'drs,

Yesterday, with about an hour to spare between 2:30 and 3:30 PM, I stopped at the Niles Staging Area parking lot at the mouth of Alameda Creek canyon and trailhead of Alameda Creek Regional Trail. A single Acorn Woodpecker (female?) was in the large cottonwood (just east of the free-standing Barn Owl nest box) in which was also a Red-breasted Sapsucker. A Downy Woodpecker, Nuttall's Woodpecker and a Northern Flicker were near here as well. Of note was the absence of any Acorn Woodpecker for our Hayward-Fremont Christmas Bird Count on 15 December (a small population has been here for about 4 years).

Note: the Alameda Creek Regional Trail is on long-term closure (bridge construction) westward at Mission Blvd.

Happy Birding,
Phil E. Gordon
Hayward, Alameda County

Subject Index

Ferruginous Hawks in San Ramon
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 17:25:32 -0800
From: Dennis & Patricia Braddy


As I write this two Ferruginous Hawks are in adjacent trees visible through the window. For many weeks we have frequently seen a single Ferruginous Hawk in the neighborhood surrounding our home on Salamanca Ct in San Ramon. But now there are two. And they seem to be getting along. What a thrill!

Dennis and Patricia Braddy
San Ramon

Subject Index

Moraga birds and a Black-throated Gray Warbler
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 14:21:56 -0800
From: Nat Weber

Hello EBB's

Ray Witbeck and I just returned from a birding lunch break. At the pond at Moraga Country Club the mystery female Ring-necked-want-to-make-it-into-a-Tufted Duck was noticeably absent. There were three female Ring-necked Ducks all looking quite consistent. One female Hooded Merganser and the Green Heron were present along with two Western Bluebirds and White-crowned Sparrows (new to me for the location).

After that, we went to the bridge at the Valle Vista staging area of Upper San Leandro Reservoir [EBMUD trail permit required]. In about 15 minutes we had 20 species from the bridge. We also ran into Kitty O'Neil there. Highlight of the bridge was a male Black-throated Gray Warbler foraging with one female Townsend's Warbler and possibly another Townsend's Warbler. Also seen was one Varied Thrush, a Red-breasted Nuthatch, Fox Sparrow, and Acorn Woodpecker. We determined that we need to have a "Bridge List" since there is so much bird activity there.

In all we had about a 40-bird lunch.

Also, each time I see the Townsend's Solitaire I think its the last time I'm going to see it. But, last Monday at about 4 PM there it was. I think I've seen it about 8 or 9 times. Interestingly, I have only heard this bird give it's one-note call. The last time we had a wintering Townsend's Solitaire around 1997 I would frequently hear its song (very long and with much variety). I am wondering if this is a male/female difference. Does anyone know about this?

Good Birding
Nat Weber
Moraga, CA

Subject Index

Wood Duck in Lafayette
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:06:55 -0800
From: Don Lewis

This morning there was a nice male Wood Duck among the Mallards in the creek alongside the Lafayette-Moraga bike trail, about 150 yards west (upstream) of the parking lot at the end of the trail, at the corner of Olympic Blvd and Pleasant Hill Rd, Lafayette.

Don Lewis
Lafayette, CA

Reply #1    Subject Index

Hooded Mergansers in Lafayette with Wood Ducks
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 13:51:21 -0800
From: Toby & Bill Gottfried

Along with the male Wood duck in Lafayette was a beautiful female. And next to them, floating in the same stream, was a male and female Hooded Merganser. The black swans were not visible today but were a few days ago.

Toby and Bill Gottfried

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Tufted Duck at Lake Merritt
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 15:02:02 -0800
From: Joseph Morlan

East Bay Birders,

This morning I took my ornithology class to our annual field trip at Lake Merritt in Oakland. We found a female Tufted Duck at the duck feeding area behind the Rotary Nature Center. The wintering Cattle Egret was also present in the same area. Later we visited Peralta Park, between E 10th St. and Lake Merritt where we were treated to close views of about 15 Barrow's Goldeneyes.

I posted a photo of the Tufted Duck at:

The full bird list for the trip is at:


Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA

Subject Index

Fwd: Burrowing Owls at Berkeley Marina
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 17:14:55 -0800
From: Joseph Morlan

Forwarded by request. On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 16:23 -0800, Jane Dang wrote:

Hi Joe

Tried to put a message on EBB to tell people I saw 3 Burrowing Owls at C�sar Ch�vez Park at the Berkeley Marina on February 15, but my message was returned. Could you put it on for me?

I saw 2 Burrowing Owls, spaced quite a few yards apart, one from the path that forms the eastern boundary of the park and another one from path on northern side - all on the rocks, unconcerned with all the people, bikes, dogs going by.


Jane Dang, Berkeley

Posted to EBB by Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA 94044

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Short-eared Owl in Livermore Valley
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 21:15:11 -0800
From: Steve Huckabone

This evening at approximately 6:00 PM my spouse and I found a Short-eared Owl in the Livermore Valley. This bird was hunting in the wild grassland fields at the corner of Lorraine Rd & Hartford Ave. The bird flew across Hartford just west of the 90 degree turn onto Lorraine. It was getting pretty dark but we got good views several times as it flew just over the high grass. You can reach this location from Hwy 580 by exiting at N Livermore Ave and going north. Follow N Livermore Ave for approximately 2 miles and turn right onto Hartford Ave. Go east on Hartford until you reach the 90 degree turn where Hartford turns into Lorraine.

Good birding,
Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore California

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