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Hooded Mergansers back in Moraga
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 09:30:10 -0800
From: Judi Cooper

Yesterday I observed one male and six female Hooded Mergansers at the Moraga Country Club pond. It was fun to watch them fishing so close up. One female got a fish and struggled for quite some time to get it down.

There were also a pair of Ring-necked Ducks, several Bufflehead, a Pied-billed Grebe and Mallards.

Judi Cooper

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Wood Duck in Oakland
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:02:03 PST
From: Mark Rauzon

Yesterday there was a drake Wood Duck at the Montclair Pond (in northeastern Oakland) by the children's playground as well as a Pied-billed Grebe. Today, a flock of 25 Snow Geese (Ross' Goose?) flew very high over Oakland heading north - a new yard bird for me.

Mark Rauzon

Subject Index

Wood Ducks and Broad-winged Hawk near Moraga
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:35:21 -0800
From: Marty Lycan

At Upper San Leandro Reservoir via Valle Vista staging area near Moraga yesterday [EBMUD trail permit required], I had over 40 species including:

ever-present Wood Ducks
Ring-necked Ducks
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Golden Eagle
and (best for last) Broad-winged Hawk

Marty Lycan

Subject Index

Hooded Mergansers still in Moraga
Sat, 18 Jan 2003 15:44:57 -0800
From: Judi Cooper

I just checked the pond at Moraga Country Club and there are still 2 female Hooded Mergansers there. One was as close to the parking lot as you could get and the other was at the far end in the reeds.

Judi Cooper

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Wilson's Warbler singing in Oakland
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 13:08:12 -0800
From: Matt Ricketts

There's a Wilson's Warbler that's been singing in an adjacent backyard (oaks) outside my apartment window for the past hour or so. I know they winter in the Bay Area in small numbers, but this may be the earliest I've ever heard one singing (it's mid-January, for Pete's sake!). Has anyone else heard or seen this species lateley?

Matt Ricketts

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Del Valle Regional Park
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 17:41:56 -0800
From: Steve Huckabone

Despite the cold I did a walk at Lake Del Valle today [Del Valle Regional Park, southeast of Livermore]. Many of the usual suspects including Common Mergansers and White-throated Swifts. On the way out as the road goes over the summit I spotted a male Phainopepla at the top of oak. The oak was invested with mistletoe so I assume it was eating the berries. Good birding.

Steve Huckabone
Alameda County
Livermore California

Subject Index

Hooded Mergansers still at Berkeley Aquatic Park
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 18:36:29 -0800
From: Judi Sierra

The pair of Hooded Mergansers reported last week at Berkeley"s Aquatic Park south pond were still there today. Also saw a Common Goldeneye pair and several Buffleheads.

Subject Index

Barrow's Goldeneyes at Lake Merritt
Sun, 19 Jan 2003 21:56:20 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

Around noon today, the Oakland Bird Club walk at Lake Merritt in Oakland found a large flock of Barrow's Goldeneyes and Common Goldeneyes in the lake's outlet or tidal channel between 12th and 10th Streets, east of the Kaiser Convention Center (Calvin Simmons Theater). The best way to reach this spot is to park somewhere along 10th Street between Fallon St and 4th Ave - if no parking places are available, you can park for a fee in the garage under the California Museum or the Convention Center parking lot.

On weekdays, volunteers are cleaning nonnative vegetation such as pampas grass off the duck islands near the Rotary Nature Center, fixing the water lines to the freshwater ponds on the islands, and planting some vegetation (particularly some new trees to replace those in the cormorant/egret rookery that are dying). With lots of people on the islands and rowboats going back and forth from shore, there is a lot less birdlife around the Nature Center than usual. However, most of the birds do return in the evenings and on weekends.

As usual, we had a great chance to compare Greater Scaup and Lesser Scaup from only a few feet away near the back door of the Nature Center. The Cattle Egret was in the duck pond area around 10 AM. We also saw the usual variety of ducks, grebes, and herons.

After lunch, we visited the show of Harry Curieux Adamson paintings at the Oakland Museum. These are wonderful studies of large flocks of ducks or geese, usually landing or taking off. Most are from the viewpoint of a nearby observer, but a couple of stunning paintings give a bird's-eye view. All are lovely paintings and a great chance to study the movements and postures involved in landings and takeoffs. Unfortunately, the sound installation was temporarily out of order today, but it is also wonderful when operating.

Thanks to all who joined us, and I hope we didn't lose anyone in our various moves from one spot to another!

Good birding, Larry

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

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