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Re: Turkey invasion
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 08:29:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Harris

Peter and East Bay Birders,

Regarding historical and pre-historic records of Wild Turkeys in California, Don Roberson had an interesting compilation of information at the following web site:
He argues that Wild Turkeys be considered re-introduced native birds, for the purposes of compiling lists. I don't care that much about what people do with their life and county lists. My opinion about reintroducing birds or other wildlife is that we should not be doing so unless one can make a compelling argument that people are responsible for the loss of the species. Regardless, we ought to be analyzing the effects of re-introductions and introductions. I share Peter's concern about the effects of Wild Turkeys on forest/woodland floor invertebrates and vertebrates. Is anyone aware of any ongoing studies of the impact of Wild Turkeys?

John H. Harris
Biology Department, Mills College
Oakland, CA

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Wild Turkeys in Sunol
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:52:34 -0700
From: Gary Fralick

Last Thursday October 10th, I went to a favorite spot on Calaveras Rd in Sunol near the quarry to observe what appears to be a local family of Golden Eagles soaring above the hills. I have seen them there before and was in hopes of being entertained. I was not disappointed as there were 3 juveniles learning the art of soaring and hunting. They were being instructed by the biggest bird I personally have ever seen. A female Golden Eagle with a wingspan of about 8 feet showing them the knack of diving to the ground to get prey. The display went on for more than 30 minutes. It was spectacular.

Upon leaving the roadside turn-around, I saw a flock of 12 Wild Turkeys strolling right beside the road. I was a little amazed to see them so close and so calm as I watched them for about 10 minutes just foraging off the side of the road. Are there any studies going on to see if their numbers are growing at an alarming rate? Turkeys can be somewhat destructive to the environment when they over populate an area, but I don't see that happening in this part of the country.

Good birding
Gary "Frano" Fralick

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Wild Turkeys in Danville
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 10:08:26 -0700
From: Sarah DeJesus

We were gone all summer and when my husband came home to check on the house, he found a Wild Turkey living on our back deck. It was hanging out right by the door and there was much ... evidence ... it had been there a long time. He chased it around the yard until it flew off. We back on a creek and there are a couple of local flocks of turkeys around (off Blackhawk Rd in Danville). I know they come along the creek, because I hear gobbling down there sometimes.

I'm reading the turkey posts here with interest. Thanks for posting the link to the Don Roberson discussion.

Sarah DeJesus

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Wood Duck at Jewel Lake
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 18:45:08 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

This morning Alan Kaplan led a history walk for the Berkeley Path Wanderers Association in the Nature Area of Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley Hills. He shared many wonderful stories and interesting photographs of the history of the park. While we were standing beside Jewel Lake and Richard Schwartz was telling stories and showing pictures about the farmers who lived in Wildcat Canyon, you could identify the birders in the crowd because binoculars were being passed around to stare at the lovely male Wood Duck swimming across Jewel Lake.

Later, while Alan was telling about the Civilian Conservation Corps camp of the late 1930s located near the present Visitor Center, a small flock of Golden-crowned Kinglets foraged busily overhead.

Alan recommended an exhibit of photographs of Tilden Park in the 1930s that can be seen at the Berkeley Historical Society. The exhibit of photographs by Hazel M. Wintler can be viewed without charge 1 to 4 PM Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays through December 14 at the Society in the Veterans Memorial Building, 1931 Center St, Berkeley.

Good birding, Larry

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

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Golden Eagles in Sunol
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:53:30 -0700
From: Kitty O'Neil

Thanks to Gary Fralick for the great tip about the Golden Eagles at Calaveras Rd in Sunol. I went there Sunday around noon and there they were! Saw one adult and two juveniles. Fantastic! They were near the nursery adjacent to the freeway.


Kitty O'Neil
Orinda, CA

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More Golden Eagles at Sunol
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 14:40:58 -0700
From: Rich Cimino

Last night, Monday evening, at 6:15 PM on Hwy 680 there was a single Golden Eagle. Saturday evening 6 PM on Hwy 680 and Sunol/Pleasanton Rd behind the corner store there were 9 Acorn Woodpeckers flycatching from the dead black walnut tree.

Richard S. Cimino

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American White Pelicans near Moraga
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 21:19:46 PDT
From: Gail DeLalla

There were five American White Pelicans at Upper San Leandro Reservoir near Moraga this morning around 10:30 AM.

D. Gail DeLalla
Department of Biological Science
California State University, Hayward

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