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Hermit Thrush in Hayward yard
Mon, 04 Feb 2002 09:57:28 -0800
From: Debbi Brusco

For the past week or so I have sometimes heard a chup and zhweee call coming from a tree next to the house, in my backyard. If I was outside, the bird would usually fly before I could get anywhere close. Today I was finally able to confirm that it was a Hermit Thrush, from the window. It landed on the fence and hopped along a bit before jumping into the neighbor's yard.

It was also a bit odd to see a gull (Western, from what I could see) circling very low - around 20 feet - over my and adjacent neighbors' yards; at one point it landed on the corrugated roof of a neighbor's gazebo.

near Bayview & Kelly, Hayward

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Re: Ferruginous Hawk over San Ramon
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 11:32:26 PST
From: Steve Glover

Dennis and all,

There has been a traditional winter roost site of Turkey Vultures in some eucalyptus near the intersection of Norris Canyon Rd and Marsh Rd, and it has usually contained a few Ferruginous Hawks as well. This roost was pointed out to me by Everett Utterback (sp?) at least 5 years ago. It is rather entertaining to watch the vultures and Ferruginous Hawks circle around and settle down in the late afternoon.

Good birding,
Steve Glover

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Waterbird Park, Martinez
Tue, 5 Feb 2002 15:31:32 PST
From: Jeff Mohamed

Waterbird Park in Martinez is still not officially open to the public but it is possible to park by the entrance and to bird from inside or outside of the gate. To reach it, turn off Hwy 680 northbound at the Marina Vista exit, which is just south of the Benicia-Martinez Bridge. At the junction with Waterfront Rd, turn right. Then take the next right and the Park is on the right, 100 yards up the hill. It is also worthwhile birding both sides of Waterfront Rd for 100 yards or so back towards the Hwy 680 exit road.

Seen in 45 minutes from 9:30 AM today:

American Coots
Canada Geese
Ruddy Ducks
Pied-billed Grebes
Cinnamon Teals
Northern Pintails
Northern Shovelers
Double-crested Cormorants
Common Goldeneyes
Black-necked Stilts
Short-billed Dowitchers
Great Egrets
Snowy Egrets
Cattle Egret
California Gulls
Ring-billed Gulls
Great Blue Heron
Loggerhead Shrikes (adult and immature)
Tree Swallows
Western Meadowlarks
Red-winged Blackbirds
Brewer's Blackbirds
Song Sparrows
Black Phoebes
Northern Harrier
Belted Kingfisher

The Cattle Egret and the kingfisher were standing on the top of a freight train!

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Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve
Tue, 5 Feb 2002 16:09:04 PST
From: Jeff Mohamed

An hour's birding today at Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve near Oakley, mainly around the car park [parking lot], turned up:

Mourning Doves
Northern Mockingbird
European Starlings
Acorn Woodpecker
Western Scrub-Jays
Western Meadowlarks
Dark-eyed Juncos
Red-bellied Sapsuckers (3 on one tree trunk)
Northern Flicker
Anna's Hummingbirds
California Towhee
American Kestrels
Red-tailed Hawks
Oak Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatches
Lesser Goldfinches
Red-winged Blackbirds
American Robin
Say's Phoebe
Golden-crowned Sparrows
White-crowned Sparrows

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Bald Eagle still at San Pablo Reservoir
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:32:09 -0800
From: Pat Matthews

The Bald Eagle is really hanging around this year. I saw an adult perched in a pine on the east shore directly opposite the boat launch area (at the Orinda end of the reservoir) late this morning. We open for the season a week from Friday (February 15) and it would be wonderful if she stays around at least until then. I keep hoping that we'll get a nesting pair one of these years.

Also the Osprey is offering excellent views as it perches high in a snag on the east edge of the upper parking lot, just off the Main entrance, 1 mile above Kennedy Grove near El Sobrante.

Finally, the Great Blue Herons are in full nesting activity in the eucalyptus by the Watershed Headquarters, also off the Boat Launch Road to San Pablo Reservoir and viewable from the Old San Pablo Trail. [EBMUD trail permit required - entrance near intersection of San Pablo Dam Rd / Camino Pablo with Wildcat Canyon Rd / Bear Creek Rd].

Ranger Pat

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Sandhill Cranes in Sacramento County
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 21:06:05 PST
From: George McRae

Dear Birders,

I know this is pretty darned east for East Bay, but it was a wonderful treat for me and my wife. Heading west on Hwy E3 (Sacramento County) 1 mile west of Hwy 80, 5:20 PM, we came to a harvested fallow corn field on the northside of E3 many, many, many, groups of Sandhill Cranes! One other couple birding with a monster spotting scope there as well.

There were hundreds of cranes. Many within yards of this heavily traveled road. Foraging and talking among themselves at dusk. We drove along to where E3 feeds into the river road at Locke and Walnut Grove 15 minutes away stopped to watch huge flocks in massive Vs passing over us from west to east in the darkening sky. Tried to get digital photos but it was all but impossible considering the rapidly darkening sky. I tried to insert them in e-mail but the list server won't allow it. I can send them individually if anyone is interested. They aren't very good but I just want to share my thrill. I have never seen them before in my life. So you can imagine my sheer joy and my happiness at sharing this with you other nature buffs. We can't let this disappear!!!! We just can't. We have to keep room for these magnificent fellow inhabitants. Gosh!

George McRae

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Heather Farm Park & Shell Ridge Open Space
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 21:23:36 -0800
From: Bob Hole

I visited Heather Farm Park and the Shell Ridge Open Space in Walnut Creek today (Sunday February 10). It was a truly beautiful day, and I found a total of 31 species and got a mild sunburn!

At Heather Farm (11 AM to 1 PM), all the usual suspects were there, with the highlights being the continuing presence of at least one "Cackling" Canada Goose in the round pond, and at least four adult Black-crowned Night-Herons (and one, in breeding plumage, was fishing while I watched) and one immature Black-crowned Night-Heron on the island in the main lake. There's also a Herring Gull again hanging out, mostly standing on a snag in the middle of the lake.

At the Shell Ridge Open Space (2 to 2:45 PM) (Mt Diablo-Briones Trail, entrance on Rockspring Pl at the "end" of Walnut Blvd.), I stayed within about 100 meters of the entrance gate. There were a pair of Red-tailed Hawks circling repeatedly, so the ground squirrels were chipping alarm and most birds were staying low and quiet. The highlights there were a rather bold White-breasted Nuthatch and a Nutall's Woodpecker.

Tuesday I'm visiting Panoche Valley (San Benito County) for my first time, and then someplace else down there (maybe Monterey Bay). But that's for other lists.

Robert Hole, Jr.

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