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Lawrence's Goldfinch still in San Ramon yard
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 12:43:07 -0800
From: Lauri English

Just an update on the Lawrence's Goldfinch that I spotted in my yard. It is still here, feeding on a 3-tube thistle feeder along with the American Goldfinch & Lesser Goldfinch. I got a great photo of it ... very exciting!

Lauri English
San Ramon

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Bald Eagle back at San Pablo Reservoir
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 17:23:07 -0800
From: Pat Matthews

Late this afternoon the calls of distress from the Osprey alerted me to the presence of the adult Bald Eagle near the Main Recreation pines area. She flew to a perch on the east shore where her head stood out like a spotlight. I thought she had gone, but she's baaaack.

Ranger Pat
San Pablo Reservoir Recreation Area
El Sobrante CA

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Melanistic Barrow's Goldeneye (?) at Lake Merritt
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 18:39:08 -0800
From: Rusty Scalf

I have been disconnected from EBB for awhile due to the sudden evaporation of my internet account, so I don't know if this is already being reported:

Today the Albany Adult School field trip found what appears to be a melanistic female Barrow's Goldeneye in the tidal channel feeding Lake Merritt (alongside Kaiser Auditorium, in Oakland). The bird looked nearly black in the shade, in the sun it had a brown-black look. And with a yellow-orange bill. Anybody seen this bird?

The sheer number of Barrow's Goldeneye in that channel amazed me.

We also found the Dusky-capped Flycatcher at the botanical gardens.

Rusty Scalf

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American Dipper in Sunol Regional Wilderness
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 19:12:36 -0800
From: Scott Restivo

Saw an American Dipper at Little Yosemite in Sunol Regional Wilderness near Sunol this morning.

Scott Restivo

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Dusky-capped Flycatcher still at Lake Merritt
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:14:30 -0800
From: Jay Withgott

The Dusky-capped Flycatcher was calling and visible after 10 AM today at Lakeside Park arboretum at Lake Merritt, Oakland.

Jay Withgott, San Francisco

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Upper San Leandro Reservoir
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 18:37:03 -0800
From: Marty Lycan & Karen Yanagisako

Good birding at Upper San Leandro Reservoir (near Moraga) today. Lots of activity plus a few unusual sightings.

Some highlights:

Wood Duck
Ring-necked Duck
Loggerhead Shrike
Varied Thrush
Band-tailed Pigeon
American White Pelican (overhead)
Cassin's Vireo (!? - dull but distinct "spectacles")
"yellow-shafted" Northern Flicker

Marty Lycan & Karen Yanagisako

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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 22:15:46 PST
From: Bob Richmond

The following was seen today at Hayward Regional Shoreline:

Orange-crowned Warbler - 1 at W Winton Ave trailhead (did not see the Yellow Warbler that was seen last week)
Chestnut-backed Chickadee - 1 at Winton Ave
Black Oystercatcher - 4 at Hayward Landing
Snow Goose - 1 at San Lorenzo Community Park
Ross' Goose - 1 at San Lorenzo Community Park
Allen's Hummingbird - 1 along the railroad tracks on the east side of Ora Loma Marsh
Lark Sparrow - 1 at the Grant Ave access to the mouth of San Lorenzo Creek


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