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Dusky-capped Flycatcher still present
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:10:15 PST
From: Doug Greenberg

This morning several people, including myself, saw the Dusky-capped Flycatcher at the botanical garden at Lakeside Park, Lake Merritt, Oakland. It was fairly uncooperative, behaving in a frustratingly furtive manner, but it did allow itself to be seen finally.  :-)

I checked my bird-finding records and realized that the last time I saw this bird it had a different name (Olivaceous Flycatcher). I confess I can barely remember these Arizona sightings. This leads me to wonder whether those of us who started birding loooong ago should start a new set of life/state/county lists every few decades or so.

Doug Greenberg

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper in Alviso
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:09:25 -0800
From: Vijay Ramachandran

I am sorry for the out-of-region post, but this might interest people on this list as well. [The location is not far south of the Alameda County border. The bird is a rare visitor from Asia.]

This Sunday, Mike Mammoser found a juvenile Sharp-tailed Sandpiper in Alviso, near the railway tracks at the entrance to the Environmental Education Center of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

This afternoon, a friend and I went by, and found it. For the details, please see the South Bay Birders list:


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Dusky-capped Flycatcher update
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 18:00:59 -0800
From: Russ Wilson

The Dusky-capped Flycatcher at Lake Merritt in Oakland was observed for about half an hour this afternoon (3:15 to 3:45) in the Horticultural Center opposite the Boat House. It was flitting around in a cluster of conifers until a Black Phoebe that hangs out at a nearby pool chased the intruder away.

The specific location was next to 2 tall redwoods that appear to be dead. They aren't really dead, they just look that way when they lose all their needles. That's what that exotic species does in the winter.

Russ Wilson
El Cerrito

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Wood Ducks
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 11:41:17 PST
From: Mark Rauzon

I was pleased to see two drake wood ducks at the Montclair duck pond. A Pied-billed Grebe was also present.

mark rauzon

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Re: Wood Ducks
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 08:36:29 PST
From: Mark Rauzon

I apologize for providing so little info before. I'm so provincial I thought everyone knew of Montclair, but I got a lot of queries. Montclair Duck Pond is in Alameda County, in Oakland, near Piedmont - Montclair exit off Hwy 13, on Mountain Blvd, next to Albertson's and the Montclair Recreation Center at the north end of Moraga Ave. All this in the village of Montclair, plus hot coffee too.

mark rauzon

PS  I saw the birds on Wednesday at 4 PM

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RFI: Christmas Bird Count at Albany Bulb
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 11:34:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Peter Rauch

Can someone put me in touch with the results of (or birders for) the Christmas Bird Count done (hopefully) on the Albany "Plateau", "Neck", and "Bulb"? (They're sites on the San Francisco Bay, in Albany, Alameda County.)

I'd like a list of what was observed/counted on/over each of those (terrestrial) sites during the CBC this year.


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Belated Redhead at Point Emery on Wednesday
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 15:36:50 -0800
From: Mike Ezekiel

Wednesday, mid afternoon, I saw at least one and possibly two Redheads at Point Emery (the little park - parking lot on the Frontage Road between Emeryville and Berkeley).

This morning at Lake Merritt in Oakland - Mandarin Duck only - no Cattle Egret or Tufted Duck.

In a very cursory - less then ten minutes - look at the Botanical Gardens outer fence line, I did not see any dusky-capped anythings - no birds at all.

Mike Ezekiel

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San Pablo Reservoir
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 16:43:03 -0800
From: Pat Matthews

An adult Greater White-fronted Goose showed up on the Main Lawn at San Pablo Reservoir this afternoon to hang out with a few Canada Geese and munch the grass. Referencing my Birds of North America, it appears to be the taiga (elgasi) race..

Ranger Pat
San Pablo Reservoir
El Sobrante, CA

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Dusky-capped Flycatcher still at Lake Merritt
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 17:52:34 PST
From: Mark Rauzon

Emilie (?) and I saw the Dusky-capped Flycatcher at Lake Merritt (Oakland) from roughly 3:15 to 4:15. After about 40 minutes, I first found it associating with a Bushtit flock adjacent to the bonsai garden. An earlier post to search for it in mid-level deciduous trees was spot-on.

Later it foraged near the boat house side entrance and when I left Emilie with it, it was in the large bare trees outside the now-locked garden. Saw a Bonaparte's Gull and many Barrow's Goldeneyes at the lake.

Also the Wood Ducks are still in Montclair.

Mark Rauzon

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Dusky-capped Flycatcher and Cattle Egret at Lake Merritt
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 18:01:52 -0800
From: Tom Condit

Friday, 21 Dec 2001.

This morning at 10:15 AM (after unsuccessfully looking in all previous locations), I ran into a birder named Dolores Butkus who had refound the Dusky-capped Flycatcher in the palm grove at the Lakeside Garden Center at Lake Merritt, Oakland. As she was trying to steer my slow eyes to it amidst the palm fronds, it flew over into the Bonsai Garden, where it perched nicely for us in full sun at several angles.

The Cattle Egret was in a new perch in the tree over the sidewalk on the street side of the empty duck pond at the Rotary Nature Center.


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