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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker near Livermore
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 06:00:54 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

Here is an excerpt from Doug Shaw's BIRDWEST transcript:

Alameda County
November 6th, a male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was at Del Valle Regional Park south of Livermore. From the entrance kiosk go straight across the bridge then turn right. Go to the first parking lot on the right and park near the restrooms. From the disabled parking spaces go left to the picnic table and look behind it in the oaks to the right of the trail towards the lake. (Art Edwards)

Mike Feighner

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Re: Dead Barn Owls
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 08:06:53 -0800
From: Arlene Gemmill

Two years ago at this same time of year I also observed the roadside along Hwys 12 & 160 junction heavily littered with Barn Owl carcasses. As well, there was an occasional egret. It was so saddening.

My inquiries to this list brought a stream of replies. The consensus seems to be that it is a seasonal phenomenon. Trucks from the harvest spill grain along the roadside which attracts rodents which lure Barn Owls to roadside where hit by passing cars and trucks.

Indeed, driving that same Hwys 12/160 stretch just a month ago I saw only two Barn Owl carcasses the whole way.

Still it does seem a terrible loss of bird life and I wonder if we need to do anything. What can we do to stop birds being hit by vehicles while hunting along roadside?

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Re: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker near Livermore
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 09:03:44 -0800
From: Mark Inman

I spotted a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker outside my apartment in Walnut Creek a couple of weeks ago. Near Pleasant Hill BART station.

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Re: Dead Barn Owls
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 09:17:38 PST
From: George McRae

Dear Arlene,

There are areas of seasonal migration where Traffic Kills. The first thing would be for Fish and Game or someone to put up signs urging people to slow down and drive more aware. Then of course some sort of enforcement. Which is next to impossible in today's California. You will get told over and over that there are no resources and that Fish and Game are stretched to the limit, etc. I think you have to get organized and get the media involved - lots and lots of footage of littered barn owls. It's a losing battle because the forces of rampant capitalism in out country will say that These darned owls are in the way of jobs or profits and the trucks have to go at the highest possible speeds to get their deliveries on time, etc. But in Britain, also a capitalist nation, there is a different attitude. In Britain people divert entire roads or build migration culverts for toads. The British have a compassion, which we are not fostering in the US. But to save our wildlife in any meaningful way will take a collective working compassion. Any hoot (to coin an owl phrase), I would suggest bringing your camera or Camcorder if you have one and get pictures and try and foster a relationship with a reporter with a history of environmental work. I remember the pictures of baby harp seals getting clubbed to death and how that brought some changes!

Keep in touch,
George McRae

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Update: Dead Barn Owls
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 09:53:03 PST
From: Mark Westlund

I reported situation to Delta District Fish & Game office. Received following from wildlife specialist Laurie Briden:

I am having someone from our office drive that road this afternoon and we will decide if anything needs to be done - such as testing of any carcasses. A possible explanation is that this year we have seen a vole explosion, a favorite prey of Barn Owls. Too, this is the time of year when roadside mowing occurs and this opens up the sides of the road for hunting for the owls which in turns causes more collisions with vehicles.


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Re: Dead Barn Owls
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 11:03:21 -0800
From: Lisa Viani

Does anyone know whose trucks/what is being harvested? is there any way we could contact the company/try to ask them to be more careful/maybe post signs or something??

Lisa Viani

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Re: Update: Dead Barn Owls
Wed, 07 Nov 2001 11:07:32 -0800
From: Lisa Viani

Thank you for reporting this. Is there any way we could ask Laurie to investigate some other solutions? Changing the timing of the mowing, putting up signs, something? Maybe if enough of us contacted her (can you share her number or e-mail?).

Lisa Viani

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Re: Update: Dead Barn Owls
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 13:51:50 PST
From: George McRae

Yes! right on for reporting this!!!!!! What is her e-mail so can show support? I'm behind an effort to control traffic or enlighten folks that they are in an area frequented by these magnificent birds. We have a responsibility, if we as folks are going to entice them into dangerous areas with mowing or spilled grain setting up the situation then we have to correct it.

George McRae

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