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Flickers flicking?
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 09:42:14 -0800
From: Judi Cooper

I was putting our seed in my backyard (Moraga) this morning when I heard the strangest noise coming from 3 birds in my neighbor's tree. I couldn't identify the birds and had never heard that sound before.

I retrieved my binoculars and identified the birds as flickers. They were bobbing up and down and spreading their tails. It seemed to be a friendly gesture. They would hop around in the tree and continue the bobbing and noise making. This lasted about 3 to 4 minutes.

Has anyone ever witnessed this before? Any ideas what they are doing?


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Re: Flickers flicking?
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 10:37:54 -0800
From: Derek Heins

I saw the same behavior of bobbing and weaving a couple years ago from a pair of flickers while living in Ann Arbor. A very beautiful sight. If my memory serves me correctly it was around the same time of year.

Derek Heins

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Yellow-rumped Warblers chasing?
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:15:03 -0800
From: Lisa Viani

Speaking of interesting behavior -

I've been seeing many Yellow-rumped Warblers chasing each other around, very speedily. It looks like play but it also could be some kind of defense thing. Does anyone know if they adopt little temporary winter territories, or if they are just playing?

Lisa Viani

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Harlequin and Long-tailed Ducks at Richmond Marina Bay
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:54:48 -0800
From: Emily Serkin

Greetings Birders.

On Saturday, October 27, I saw a male Harlequin Duck and female Long-tailed Duck hanging out with Surf Scoters just north of the parking lot at the end of Marina Bay Pkwy in Richmond [Vincent Park parking lot]. I was surprised at the Harlequin Duck but later learned that a pair of them are found regularly at Brooks Island. The harlequin interacted with the scoters - chasing one a couple of times.

Emily Serkin

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Christmas Bird Count listing on web
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 20:38:04 -0800
From: Kay Loughman

Hello East Bay Birders!

I'm pleased to announce that the first iteration of our listing of Christmas Bird Counts in Northern California has been posted to the Golden Gate Audubon Society's web page. There are nearly 40 counts included, and many still to come. You can access the web page at:

The listing will be updated several times before Christmas.

Kay Loughman

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Wild Turkeys redux ... again
Tue, 30 Oct 2001 15:55:51 PST
From: Sylvia Sykora

This time I saw them myself. Three bedraggled birds were by the side of the road on Holyrood, half way between Castle Dr and Ascot Dr in Oakland today at 2:00 PM. Neighbors reported a counted group of 32 birds earlier in the week at Melville Dr and Skyline Blvd in Oakland, adjacent to Redwood Regional Park. How common are they in urban Alameda County?

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Wild Turkeys in Marin County
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:24:09 -0800
From: Susan Groves

Dear Birders:

Response to interest in Wild Turkeys. Two weeks ago, we were driving from Hwy 101 [north of San Rafael and the Marin County Civic Center] out to the Point Reyes National Seashore on Lucas Valley Rd. Directly across from the housing development, perhaps a mile after leaving Hwy 101, we spotted a very large group of Wild Turkeys. And they were marvelously healthy. We parked and watched. They were feeding among the oaks on the hillside, very close to the road. Every once in awhile, several would fly off or come in for a landing. Their feathers were rich and magnificent - just as they look in the bird books.

Susan Groves

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