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Request For Information: Pentax Spotting Scopes
Mon, 21 May 2001 12:06:26 -0700
From: Mike Ezekiel

Dear EBBers,

This is posted with the permission of Larry Tunstall - the list owner for EBB listserve. He has previously posted his desire that the EBB listserve not be taken up with lots of non-related birding stuff, I asked if I could post this Request For Information but suggested that all replies be private.

Therefore, please reply privately to me at - do not post to EBB list serve which is reserved for birds and birding. I will be glad to compile information and pass it on privately to anyone who would like it.

Does anyone out there have hands on experience - have used it or purchased it - with the new Pentax ED 80mm spotting scope which Steve Ingraham of Better View Desired at now rates as his Reference Standard Scope. He raves about it, but I have not been able to find any other reviews or much personal testimony on the WWW, or any place to look at one aside from Mendocino. (I have done quite a lot of WWW searches and found some listserve discussions about scopes - but I haven't read any reports from people with extensive experience on that scope.) As I recently had my Kowa scope ripped off, I am trying to decide between some better scopes, whether ED/fluorite glass is really, really worth the steep premium in price etc.

Also, if anyone knows any shop in the Bay Area which has stock on the Pentax or other top spotting scopes like the Swarovski, Leica or Kowa, I would love to hear about them. The only shop which I know is in Mendocino - Out of this World - - which has a great stock of binoculars and scopes but unfortunately not at prices which can compete with Eagle Optics or other mail order shops. (I ended up buying my Swarovski EL's out of Canada and saved quite a bit of money.)

Again, please email back at if you have used one of those.

Mike Ezekiel
Oakland, CA

P.S. I recently purchased the Swarovski 8.5 X 42 EL binocs after fairly extensive research into them, the Nikon Venturer LX (which Ingraham loves), the Leicas, Zeiss, etc. If anyone would like info about the EL's - aside from the fact that I think they are fantastic - please write me privately.

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Glossy Ibis at Coyote Hills
Mon, 21 May 2001 14:05:25 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

Today at the Hayward Regional Shoreline, Peter, Sheila, and I started at 6:30 AM to once again look for the Glossy Ibis. We had just started when a flock of 27 ibis took off from what we thought was Cogswell Marsh. They flew south and landed near Coyote Hills Regional Park. Also seen here were 3 Black Skimmers and a lone White-faced Ibis. Later in the morning I went down to Coyote Hills. I found a flock of 27 ibis near the northeast corner of the park. The Glossy Ibis was with 26 White-faced Ibis. This was about 12:20 PM and they were with 40 American White Pelicans. Later when I was back on the road, a flock of 27 ibis flew overhead, possibly the same birds. They flew south and looked to be over the wildlife refuge when they came back and landed out of sight just east of the south marsh. This area is fairly close to the entrance station.

Good Birding
Bob Richmond

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Costa's Hummingbird continues
Mon, 21 May 2001 16:20:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Emilie Strauss

I saw the male Costa's Hummingbird again today on the wire above 1611 Berkeley Way in Berkeley. Despite checking numerous times, I hadn't seen it for about three days, although I heard it displaying a few times. Today it was on the wire briefly at approximately 11 AM, and I heard displaying from approximately 11 AM to noon.

The discontinuous presence of this bird coincides with the arrival of a male Anna's Hummingbird at my feeder. Although I have never observed the Costa's at my feeder, which is located approximately one-quarter block from where the bird is usually seen, most of the spring I have only observed female Anna's Hummingbirds using the feeder. Also, construction has recently started on the house directly across from 1611 Berkeley Way, potentially disturbing the Costa's from its regular perch.

Of very local interest, I have regularly heard a Hutton's Vireo (including today) singing from Ohlone Park in an oak tree near the junction of California and Hearst streets. There was also a Yellow Warbler singing and seen in my yard yesterday.

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Pileated Woodpecker and Hermit Thrush
Mon, 21 May 2001 22:43:33 PDT
From: Jim Tietz


This evening while riding my bike on Pinehurst Rd between Canyon Rd and the school [in Contra Costa County near San Leandro Creek, east of Redwood Regional Park], I heard a Pileated Woodpecker calling "KOOK-KOOK-KOOK" up the ridge to the southwest.

A short while later I heard a Hermit Thrush singing on the East Ridge Trail in Redwood Regional Park between the Prince Trail and the Lupine Trail [this location is on the ridge between Redwood and San Leandro Creeks at the east edge of the park, probably also in Contra Costa County].

Good birding,

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