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Hayward Shoreline
Mon, 7 May 2001 00:04:43 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

The following was seen today [Sunday]:

Black Skimmer - 2
Black Tern - 5
Spotted Sandpiper - 2 (unusual here)

The Arctic Tern was not seen again

The Forster's Tern colony has increased in number to between 550 and 600 birds.

Good Birding

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Costa's Hummingbird, Western Tanagers
Mon, 7 May 2001 10:17:12 -0700
From: Rebecca Freed

I heard the Costa's Hummingbird teakettle-calling somewhere around my elm trees, about 4 doors west of its usual haunt on Berkeley Way in Berkeley, around 5 last night (Sunday). I couldn't spot it - I think it was just passing through - so I don't have any more info about what it might be using to feed.

I also heard Western Tanagers repeatedly, and kept convincing myself that I was being tricked by a European Starling or Brown-headed Cowbird.

Rebecca Freed

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Black Swan
Mon, 07 May 2001 10:29:23 PDT
From: Erik Stromberg

I saw a Black Swan at Shollenberger marsh in Petaluma (Sonoma County) yesterday and I had never seen one before. I assume it is an escapee. Can anyone shed some light on this? And can some one explain to me the two Mute Swans also? I thought they were only East Coasters?


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Re: Black Swan
Mon, 07 May 2001 10:44:21 -0700
From: Mary

Black Swans are native to Australia, Mute Swans to Europe. Perhaps they're all escapees.


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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Mon, 7 May 2001 20:39:55 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

Brief stop this evening. The following was seen:

Black Skimmer - 5
Black Tern - 2
Cattle Egret - 2 (in the Snowy Egret colony)

Again no Arctic Tern was seen

Good Birding

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White-faced Ibis in Mountain View
Tue, 8 May 2001 10:04:38 PDT
From: Bob Long

Hi All,

White-faced Ibis at Shoreline Ponds, Mountain View (Santa Clara County), on May 3.


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Costa's Hummingbird continues
Tue, 08 May 2001 12:02:15 -0700
From: Tom Condit

Tuesday, May 8
The Costa's Hummingbird was on the wires in front of 1611 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, at 8:15 AM today. It dove downward and northward. Since it also sometimes perches on two tall trees in the middle of the block bounded by Berkeley Way, California St, Hearst Ave, and McGee Ave, I assume there's a food source in one of the back yards on that block.

Tom Condit

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Mines Rd, San Antonio Rd, Del Puerto Canyon
Tue, 08 May 2001 13:48:32 -0700
From: Mark Eaton

[Apologies for cross-posting, but the Mines Road circuit southeast of Livermore spans three different mailing lists.] On Sunday, May 6th, I too did the Mines Road circuit and had reasonably good success. Of particular note were the estimated 35 Western Kingbirds seen throughout the day at various different locations, though most of them were confined to Del Puerto Canyon Rd.


Stanislaus County:

4 or 5 Cassin's Kingbirds at milepost [MP] 3.7 and another at MP 9.9 along Del Puerto Canyon Rd. Several were calling, but I did not see any direct evidence of nesting behavior.
MacGillivray's Warbler, singing at MP 17.7 in the willows.

Santa Clara County:

Western Tanager, calling at MP 22.3 along Del Puerto Canyon Rd
Orange-crowned Warbler, singing at MP 23.3
Western Wood-Pewee, at the Fire Station just south of the junction
Wilson's Warbler, a silent female at MP 24.7 along San Antonio Rd (AKA the summit)

Regular occurring species of interest:

Stanislaus County:

Grasshopper Sparrow, 2 at MP 1.8 along Del Puerto Canyon Rd, just west of a cattle guard near a small stream. I flushed one and another perched on the barbed wire obligingly for a rare photograph.
Golden Eagle, one at MP 3.7 along Del Puerto Canyon Rd
Rufous-crowned Sparrow, singing at MP 3.7 along Del Puerto Canyon Rd
Costa's Hummingbird, a male perched high in a tree at MP 5.4

Santa Clara County:

Wood Duck, in the usual pond on the south side of Del Puerto Canyon Rd at MP 23.8
Lewis' Woodpecker, at least two at MP 0.3 of San Antonio Rd
Lawrence's Goldfinch, at least three at the Fire Station

Alameda County:

California Thrasher, singing from the top of a mature oak tree at MP 10.68 along Mines Rd Phainopepla, at MP 5.65 along Mines Rd

Stanislaus County

Del Puerto Canyon Road

1.8 Grasshopper Sparrow, Say's Phoebe, Killdeer, Western Meadowlark
2.3 American Crow, Common Raven
2.7 Brewer's Blackbird, Western Kingbird
3.2 Red-winged Blackbird
3.6 Bullock's Oriole
3.7 Golden Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, California Towhee, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Black-headed Grosbeak, Brown-headed Cowbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Cassin's Kingbird, House Finch, Mourning Dove
3.9 Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Lesser Goldfinch, American Goldfinch
5.4 Lark Sparrow, Costa's Hummingbird, Yellow-billed Magpie
5.5 Rock Wren
5.9 Northern Flicker, Western Bluebird
6.8 Black Phoebe
9.7 Western Scrub-Jay
9.9 Cassin's Kingbird
10.5 Canyon Wren, Lesser Goldfinch
11.1 Spotted Towhee
12.5 Canyon Wren
12.8 Ash-throated Flycatcher, Lesser Goldfinch
13.4 House Wren
14.2 California Quail
14.7 Acorn Woodpecker, Frank Raines, Hutton's Vireo, American Robin, Oak Titmouse
17.1 MacGillivray's Warbler
17.7 Violet-green Swallow (nesting)
18.1 Chipping Sparrow, Wrentit
19.0 Bewick's Wren
19.7 Anna's Hummingbird
21.0 Bushtit

Santa Clara County

21.7 Northern Flicker, Hutton's Vireo
22.3 Western Tanager
23.3 Orange-crowned Warbler
23.8 Wood Duck
White-breasted Nuthatch, European Starling

St. Antonio Road

0.3 Lewis' Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch
1.1 Tricolored Blackbird, Turkey Vulture

Mines Road

Fire Station
House Sparrow, Western Kingbird, Western Wood-Pewee, Lawrence's Goldfinch
20.0 American Coot
24.7 Bewick's Wren, Wilson's Warbler, Wrentit, Ash-throated Flycatcher
26.2 Western Bluebird

Alameda County

19.26 House Wren, Acorn Woodpecker, Northern Flicker
16.96 Lark Sparrow, Oak Titmouse
16.5 Belted Kingfisher
11.5 Nuttall's Woodpecker
10.68 California Thrasher
5.65 Phainopepla

Mark Eaton
SFBirds Web Page
SFBirds mailing list

Subject Index

Mitchell Canyon
Tue, 08 May 2001 18:44:11 PDT
From: Jim Tietz


Peter Stevens and I went birding today at Mitchell Canyon [in Mt Diablo State Park, south of Clayton]. Before parking the car, we stopped at Mitchell Canoyon Ct and spotted the male Phainopepla flying overhead. We hiked up the Mitchell Canyon Road to the top of the Red Rd and then took a left and went to top of the hill. The numbers of migrants have noticably dropped off and the activity level was down today as well due probably to the high heat. We still managed to find 61 species though. A few Yellow Warblers have arrived. The same Gray Flycatcher or another is present near where the last one was. This one was about 150 meters from the last in the blue oaks at the top of the Red Rd. Later on it was in the large oaks to the right of the top of the Red Rd. There were still numerous Black-headed Grosbeaks and Lazuli Buntings in this area as well.

Good birding

4 Turkey Vulture
1 Cooper's Hawk
2 Red-tailed Hawk
2 Golden Eagle
6 California Quail
3 Mourning Dove
2 White-throated Swift
6 Anna's Hummingbird
4 Acorn Woodpecker
3 Nuttall's Woodpecker
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Olive-sided Flycatcher
1 Western Wood-Pewee
1 Gray Flycatcher
3 Pacific-slope Flycatcher
3 Black Phoebe
12 Ash-throated Flycatcher
2 Western Kingbird
3 Violet-green Swallow
2 Cliff Swallow (possibly more, but we didn't really look)
4 Steller's Jay
8 Western Scrub-Jay
2 Common Raven
2 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
15 Oak Titmouse
6 White-breasted Nuthatch
20 Bewick's Wren
8 House Wren
1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
15 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
7 Western Bluebird
6 Swainson's Thrush
15 Wrentit
2 Northern Mockingbird
3 California Thrasher
3 European Starling
7 Hutton's Vireo
10 Warbling Vireo
7 Orange-crowned Warbler
5 Yellow Warbler
2 Townsend's Warbler
1 MacGillivray's Warbler
15 Wilson's Warbler
3 Western Tanager
20 Black-headed Grosbeak
20 Lazuli Bunting
20 Spotted Towhee
8 California Towhee
5 Rufous-crowned Sparrow
4 Lark Sparrow
3 Sage Sparrow
2 Grasshopper Sparrow
15 Dark-eyed Junco
8 Red-winged Blackbird
2 Western Meadowlark
1 Brewer's Blackbird
4 Brown-headed Cowbird
3 Bullock's Oriole
2 Purple Finch
2 House Finch
15 Lesser Goldfinch

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