[EBB Sightings] Northern Waterthrush at Aquatic Park, E-ville hummer nest

[EBB Sightings] Northern Waterthrush at Aquatic Park, E-ville hummer nest

The Arthurs
Mon Feb 22 22:03:37 PST 2010
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    Hi. Today around 12:00 noon at Aquatic Park in Berkeley, I found the
    Northern Waterthrush in the dense willows at the northeastern corner of the
    southernmost water body, near the intersection of Bay and Potter. First seen
    walking, constantly bobbing its tail in the willow thicket, at the muddy
    edge of the water. A small, unofficial path is in the thicket by the water's
    edge, passable but broken by overhanging willow branches. The waterthrush
    was always on the water side of the path. It continued to move around and
    call, staying low but usually just off the ground on low willow twigs. Its
    calls are very loud, like a Yellow-rumped Warbler's chwit note cranked all
    the way up on the car stereo. Also hundreds of Yellow-rumped Warblers
    Last time I was at Hollis-Doyle Park in Emeryville, the Anna's Hummingbird
    nest in the playground across Doyle from the main park was active, with a
    male Anna's sitting on a twig a few inches away from the nest. He stayed
    even when I came within a few feet.
    -- Noah Arthur

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