[EBB Sightings] Mines Rd, Monday

[EBB Sightings] Mines Rd, Monday

Alan Howe
Tue Feb 16 12:38:08 PST 2010
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    Hi all.
    Thanks to those of you who replied to my request for info. I had a good time winding through the hinterland.
    Murrietta's Well was fairly busy:
    yellow-billed magpies abounded--at least one appeared to be refurbishing a nest;
    redtailed hawk;
    northern mockingbird;
    yellow-rumped warbler; 
    American robin;
    TV-at first perched in the orchard;
    white-crowned sparrow;
    chipping sparrow?;
    California quail;
    house finch; 
    scrub jay;
    ruby-crowned kinglet;
    American kestral;
    dark-eyed junco--Oregon & slate-colored;
    lesser goldfinch;
    Nuttal's woodpecker;
    Anna's hummingbird;
    western meadowlark;
    great horned owl--being mildly harrassed by magpies;
    and one or two unidentified small birds.
    Along the road I saw or heard additionally:
    western bluebird; 
    black-capped chickadee;
    California thrasher singing away just below the road (mile 7 or 8?);
    acorn woodpecker;
    Steller's jay; 
    unidentified light-colored raptor;
    black phoebe.
    Along the San Antonio Valley:
    oak titmouse;
    Brewer's blackbird;
    red-wing blackbird; 
    bufflehead--one lone female;
    wood duck; 
    flicker (heard, so not sure);
    Lewis' woodpecker (my first fairly decent look--only barely seen from a   distance before); 
    wild turkey--a flock, feeding along with deer, in a small ranch yard.
    A beautiful day and a beautiful area!
    Alan Howe
    North Oakland

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