[EBB Sightings] Acorn Woodpeckers

[EBB Sightings] Acorn Woodpeckers

Ann McGregor
Sun Feb 28 06:27:37 PST 2010
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    I'm forwarding this message from Allison.
    I have been birding in Wildcat and Tilden for a while but this was
    this first time I have seen an ACWO there.  Heard the call first and
    thought I was mistaken but then found it and sure enough it was.  As I
    was watching them a nice (aren't they all) Varied Thrush popped into
    view as well.
    The pair of ACWO was near bottom of Rifle Range Trail around 8:20 this
    morning. As you head down the trail they were right above a painted
    yellow post on the right side of the trail; it looked like some kind
    of water supply outlet.  Trail head is at end of Rifle Range Road in
    Kensington, though it might still be El Cerrito there.
    Would love to hear feedback on how common they are here. I have seen
    them at Briones and east before.
    Allison Nelson

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