[EBB Sightings] Probable adult Mitred Parakeet

[EBB Sightings] Probable adult Mitred Parakeet

Karen Smith/Enscoe
Sat Jan 09 18:50:42 PST 2010
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    On Friday, 1/8/10 at around 10:45am I saw a fairly large green parrot (later
    ID'd as an adult Mitred Parakeet, using my Sibley Field Guide) flying among
    some Mourning Doves in the fenced off Eastshore Park meadow project (phase
    2, eastern section) east of the Berkeley Marina.  I first heard it in the
    low brush near the fence along University Avenue, across from the Sea Breeze
    deli/grocery store at the corner of University Ave. and the frontage road
    just west of Hwy 880.  While I watched, it flew out of the brush and east
    across the paths inside the park gate, to perch on the fencing along the
    eastern path.  It flew to the trees inside that fenced area to the east,
    generally perching fairly high up.  It continued to make its call (a very
    loud scratchy sound) and fly around in big circles, sending the Mourning
    Doves scattering each time.  It was still there when I left at 11:10.  I
    only saw one.  At one point, I thought I heard the same scratchy call coming
    from the brush where I'd heard it originally, but though I checked, I
    couldn't find a 2nd one.
    Karen Smith
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