[EBB Sightings] Heather Farm: Cackling Goose, sapsucker and lark sparrows

[EBB Sightings] Heather Farm: Cackling Goose, sapsucker and lark sparrows

Ted Robertson
Sat Jan 09 16:12:21 PST 2010
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    Today at Heather Farms in Walnut Creek between 10:30 AM and 11:15 AM I
    spotted 4 LARK SPARROWS on the south end of the corral, a RED-BREASTED
    SAPSUCKER in the trees by the solar panels (northwest side of the park),
    and a single CACKLING GOOSE (Aluetian ssp)in the northern ball fields. 
    Teams were playing in both fields, scaring off the Killdeers but not the
    Canada Geese.  The RING-NECKED DUCK and a single GREATER SCAUP continue in
    the main lake.  Spotted 33 species but missed Hugh Harvey's White-throated
    Sparrow again.  AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES were particularly abundant, about 40
    to 50 were seen (had to hurry home before I could count them all)
    --Ted R.--
    Ted Robertson
    Lawrence Hall of Science
    University of California
    Berkeley, CA  94720-5200

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