[EBB Sightings] Holland Tract and Other Contra Costa Locales

[EBB Sightings] Holland Tract and Other Contra Costa Locales

Judith Dunham
Sun Jan 31 09:15:15 PST 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] Tufted Duck, Red-Necked Grebe , American Bittern and Greater White Fronted Goose
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    I touched down at a few spots in East Contra Costa yesterday. It was  
    a beautiful day to be out: no rain, no bitter wind, no fog. Some of  
    the sightings are listed below.
    Holland Tract
    Greater White-fronted Goose, 1,500
    Tundra Swan, 20 -- flying over the tract and over Palm Tract just to  
    the south
    Ferruginous Hawk, 2
    Yellow-billed Magpie, 1 -- on Delta Road on the way to Holland Tract  
    [the first I've seen out there this winter]
    Tri-colored Blackbirds -- among the flocks of Brewer's and Red-wings  
    in the fields just past the 90-degree turn on Delta, going north
    It was a banner day for raptors, with at least 9 Red-tails, 3 White- 
    tailed Kites, 3 Northern Harriers, and 1 American Kestrel, in  
    addition to the Ferrug. Many other raptors were flying north of the  
    tract, but much too far away to identify with any certainty. I wanted  
    to turn at least one into a Rough-legged.
    Iron House Sanitary District
    Bonaparte's Gull, 80
    Mew Gull, 6
    Sora, 1 [heard]
    Virginia Rail, 4 [each heard in a separate location]
    Orange-crowned Warbler, 2
    Fox Sparrow, 2
    The gulls were within the district property in and over the ponds.  
    The other birds were in the marsh and willows blackberries along the  
    Big Break trail, which skirts the water treatment plant.
    Byron Airport
    Burrowing Owl, 2 -- 1 west of Byron Hot Springs Road, the other north  
    of Armstrong Road, past the airport
    Loggerhead Shrike, 2 -- 1 in each location above
    Like others this season, I was hoping for Short-eared Owl late in the  
    day. Instead, I saw several parachutists gracefully drift down to the  
    airport, one at a time. Only then did I realize that they were on the  
    plane that had taken off just as I arrived--probably wanting a jump  
    at sunset.
    The East Bay Regional Park District has a map of the Big Break area,  
    showing Iron House as well. The ERPD site provides handy links to  
    Google and Yahoo maps. Steve Glover's helpful guide to the area,  
    available on Joe Morlan's website, connects all these spots and  
    mentions others.
    Judith Dunham

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