[EBB Sightings] Almost everything continues

[EBB Sightings] Almost everything continues

D Weber
Sat Jan 02 13:09:28 PST 2010
  • Previous Message: [EBB Sightings] changing population
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    Hi Birders-
    Got to Knowland Park in Oakland early this morning. Matt Dodder arrived 
    shortly after. We waited for about 30 minutes for the Gray Flycatcher to 
    eventually show up in the fallen dead pines. Then we headed to Lake Merritt. 
    The female Redhead was near the nature center. The Tufted Duck was sleeping 
    along El Embarcadero. A east coast birder picked out a sleeping Red-necked 
    Grebe in the scaup flock in the NE arm of the lake. In the channel across 
    11th and 12th Streets we found the Barrow's X Hooded hybrid in a large flock 
    of Barrow's and Common Goldeneyes. Next to Estuary Park, of course, where 
    the Palm Warbler was easy to find. No Pelagic Cormorant seen. We ended at 
    Lake Elizabeth in Fremont where we did not see the Glaucous Gull recently 
    Dave Weber,

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