[EBB Sightings] Results of Oakland CBC on December 20

[EBB Sightings] Results of Oakland CBC on December 20

Dave Quady
Mon Dec 21 11:55:55 PST 2009
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    East Bay Birders:
    Yesterday, about 200 participants in the Oakland Christmas Bird Count  
    enjoyed far better weather than last year, and found 173 species  
    (preliminary count), slightly fewer than our recent average.   
    Afterward, roughly 100 diners capped the day with the liveliest, most  
    high-spirited compilation dinner that I can recall.  Truly, a good  
    time was had by all.  Co-compiler Bob Lewis and I thank everyone who  
    contributed to yesterday's fun.
    We missed a few regularly occurring birds on Count Day.  If you  
    encounter, or encountered, any of these species within the Oakland  
    count circle during count week (Thurs Dec 17 through Wed Dec 23),  
    please send me details: date, location, etc.:
    Bonaparte's Gull
    Pacific Loon
    Bald Eagle
    Golden Eagle
    Two Lake Merritt-area specialties known to be present recently also  
    went unreported last evening: the male Tufted Duck, and the presumed  
    adult male Barrow's Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser hybrid (the  
    "beautiful duck").  If you see or saw either of these birds during  
    count week (especially on Count Day!), please let me know, and add  
    identification details.  Thanks in advance.
    The count's "Best Bird" prize was won by an empidonax flycatcher  
    found in Knowland Park, above the Oakland Zoo.  To reach its  
    location, exit I-580 onto 106th Avenue; follow it and Malcolm Avenue  
    east to Cameron Avenue.  Turn left, park at the end of Cameron  
    Avenue, and enter the park.  Walk ahead and slightly right to the  
    center grassy area past the middle fire road, where the bird was  
    found.  If you re-find it, please send me your identification notes.   
    Thanks in advance.
    The Palm Warbler present for several days near the D'Anna Yacht  
    Center just south of Jack London Square continued on Count Day.
    Our sponsor, Golden Gate Audubon Society, will provide a complete  
    report of the count in the March issue of The Gull, and online at the  
    GGAS web site.
    Meanwhile, mark your calendar and plan to participate in the 70th  
    Oakland Christmas Bird Count on Sunday, December 19, 2010.
    Dave Quady
    Berkeley, California
    davequady at att.net

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