[EBB Sightings] RE: Continuing presence - White-winged Scoters + Golden-crowned Kinglets

[EBB Sightings] RE: Continuing presence - White-winged Scoters + Golden-crowned Kinglets

Fri Nov 20 14:33:04 PST 2009
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    Greetings EBB'ers,
    Birds:    *Red-throated Loon (1)         
                 *White-winged Scoters (2)
                 *Red-breasted Nuthatch (1)
                 *Golden-crowned Kinglet (2)
    County: Alameda (ALA Co.)
    Today, Thursday, 19 Nov. 2009; 10:30 am - 11:30 am
    Account:  Together with my Acalanes Adult School Walking Class we found the 
    above (and below) species at the San Leandro Marina. 
    *The RTLo (1) flew into the Small Boat Lagoon (south), near 6+ Greater Scaup
    *The WWSc's (2) were diving for mollusks with 6 - 8 Surf Scoters along the 
      bayshore levee of the north portion of Mulford Landing.
    *The RBNu (1) was found by Barbara Jarred at eye level in a 6ft - 7ft pine 
      (Beech Pine?) on a pine cone.
    *The GCKi's (2) were foraging and calling, loosely with Yellow-rumped 
    Warblers in 
      large shrubs (American Beauty and Myoporum) along the north parking area 
      plantings of the access Rd. to Mulford Landing.
    NOTE: Both Clark's and Western Grebes; as well as Brown-headed Cowbirds 
    (8+/-) with the Red-winged Blackbird & European Starling flocks were also 
    present. About a dozen Brown Pelicans were both flying and swimming and some 
    perched along with Double-crested Cormorants on a double set of the oil boom 
    pipes.  No spilled oil was seen by us.  One large, white-at-tail-base raptor 
    flew by with heavy wing flaps looking a lot like Golden Eagle, but too far 
    away for positive I.D.  39 species were found here this day.
    Happy birding,
    Phil E. Gordon
    Hayward, ALA Co.
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