[EBB Sightings] Western Bluebirds & Yellow-rumped Warblers in Pleasanton (2)

[EBB Sightings] Western Bluebirds & Yellow-rumped Warblers in Pleasanton (2)

Ken Wilson
Mon Oct 19 19:06:55 PDT 2009
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    For the first since I've lived at my current residence in Pleasanton
    (2 years) I have observed Yellow-rumped Warblers and Western
    Bluebirds, continuously the past week. This is a first. They started
    showing up right after last Monday's storm cleared. The Bluebirds and
    House Finches seemed to be interacting quite a bit.
    We also routinely get visits from Lesser Finches, American Goldfinches
    (a huge decline this year), a variety of Sparrows to include
    White-crowned, Scrub Jays on occasion, Crows, Black Phoebe, and a
    couple of Anna's Hummingbirds at present. I'm near Valley & Hopyard.
    Ken Wilson
    Plesanton CA

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