[EBB Sightings] Livermore Wood Ducks + Virginia Rail

[EBB Sightings] Livermore Wood Ducks + Virginia Rail

Jaan Lepson
Thu Oct 22 20:53:02 PDT 2009
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    Greetings birders,
    Today I worked from home and took an "it's about time" lunch bike ride
    through Sycamore Grove park on the south side of town.
    Besides the usual suspects, from my favorite overlook I was pleased to
    count 11 Wood Ducks in the creek, my all-time high.  This is from the
    bench on the rise on the Veterans Park side of Sycamore Grove that has a
    view into the arroyo. I see them here more often than not, but typically
    just a pair or two.
    On the way home I saddened to find a fresh road-kill Virgina Rail between
    the Wente ponds and the intersection of Arroyo & Wetmore Rds.  As I passed
    by I could tell it was no ordinary victim, so I circled back to make the
    ID.  Steve Huckabone has found Virginia Rails along the creek at the end
    of Arroyo Rd, so their presence here is not new.
    Good birding (and safe driving)
    Jaan Lepson

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