[EBB Sightings] Mines Road Poorwill

[EBB Sightings] Mines Road Poorwill

Bill Bousman
Wed Oct 21 20:05:02 PDT 2009
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    This morning, 10/21/09, I was driving Mines Road at dawn and spotted 
    a COMMON POORWILL flying above the road at M.P. 11.02 about 0641 hr.
    Aside: Common Poorwills are particularly fascinating as their 
    populations have two approaches to winter cold and reduced food 
    resources.  Northern birds migrate south, whereas southern birds 
    enter holes (presumably ground squirrel holes) and reduce their body 
    temperature and food requirements.  Physiologists have studied the 
    species and suggest that they can last 120 days doing this.  That's 
    not enough time for northern birds, but it is fine for southern birds 
    (who sometimes awake and forage during warm periods).  What are the 
    boundaries?  Big unknown.  I think Don Roberson has suggested that 
    most birds in Monterey County do not migrate.  What proportion 
    migrate and what proportion hibernate is unclear in central 
    California.  I would think that bayside birds might have less cold to 
    deal with whereas those in the Diablo Range might have to 
    migrate.  I'm not sure whether observer records, even over many 
    years, will shed enlightenment on this, but maybe they will.  In 
    Santa Clara County we do know that northern birds migrate in October 
    as we both see them and band them on the valley floor, a place where 
    they are absent during the breeding season.
    Bill Bousman
    Menlo Park

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