[EBB Sightings] Possible Blackpoll Warbler at Joaquin Miller Park

[EBB Sightings] Possible Blackpoll Warbler at Joaquin Miller Park

Ken Schneider
Thu Sep 24 09:53:46 PDT 2009
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    I spent an hour this morning before work (9/24) birding a foggy
    Joaquin Miller Park along the hill west of the Woodminster Theater.
    The highlight was an unusual warbler that I was surprised to find
    foraging on the ground with some Dark-eyed Juncos in a grassy area
    near the public restrooms and fire ring.  The bird was seen for about
    30 seconds with binoculars at a distance of about 20 feet.  My field
    notes (without looking at any guides) were as follows:  A warbler with
    a thin bill and with the head and upperparts showing a uniform
    greenish-yellow color.  The facial pattern and head color reminded me
    of an Orange-crowned Warbler, with a faint split eye ring and
    supercilium.  The underparts were lighter than the upperparts and were
    generally a dingy cream color.  I didn't see any bright yellow at all
    on the underparts.  Unfortunately, I never got a good look at the
    underside of the tail.  The most striking feature of this bird were
    the blackish wings with a pair of thick white wing bars.  The bird was
    soon flushed into the nearby trees and I didn't have time to try and
    refind it before work.  I don't have any experience with this species
    and I'm not sure I saw it well enough for a positive ID.  Comments are
    welcome.  Just posting the observation in case anyone else is headed
    out there today...
    Ken Schneider

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