[EBB Sightings] Birding Contra Costa County for the Luke Cole Fundraiser

[EBB Sightings] Birding Contra Costa County for the Luke Cole Fundraiser

Steve Glover
Tue Sep 15 08:22:33 PDT 2009
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    Hi all,
    The statewide birdathon/fundraiser in the memory of Luke Cole is less than two weeks away and I am hoping some of you can help our efforts by spending some time birding in Contra Costa County during the weekend of September 26-27. We hope to have birding coverage in each of California's 58 counties and as of yet we have little help in the county. Bird as much or as little as you like, donate a few bucks if you have it to spare and, most importantly, have fun. More information from our original post is below.
    If you would like to bird in Contra Costa County that weekend (or anywhere else in the state, for that matter!) please email me at Countylines at sbcglobal.net
    If you with to make a pledge, please click the following link:
    Steve Glover
    Keller, TX
    Luke Cole 400 Species $40,000 Memorial Challenge
    A benefit for Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment (CRPE)
    September 26th and 27th, 2009
    The birding community lost one of our most selfless members when Luke
    Cole was tragically killed June 6, 2009 in an auto accident while
    visiting Uganda. Luke's passion for birds, birding and conservation
    seemed boundless. Whether he was looking for the near-mythical Red Owl
    in Madagascar or simply trying to add a new species to his many county
    lists while traversing back roads in California, Luke's joy in finding
    and sharing birds was infectious.
    Luke was not only a great birder he was also a great humanitarian. With
    his background in law, Luke could have been a highly paid attorney.
    Instead Luke founded the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment
    (CRPE). Acting Executive Director Caroline Farrell wrote:
    "Luke founded CRPE almost 20 years ago, in October 1989. What started as
    the 'Luke Cole employment project' has become a 15-person environmental
    justice organization with a national reputation for representing poor
    people and people of color fighting for environmental justice . . . He
    recognized that an injustice in one community diminishes us all. He
    shared his power and privilege to help those low income communities and
    communities of color struggle against powerful interests and buck the
    status quo."
    To celebrate Luke's life some of his friends have come up with the kind
    of harebrained scheme Luke would have loved; a California-wide birding
    event to raise funds to help keep CRPE running strong.
    Here's the challenge: Can a group of birders find 400 bird species in
    one weekend in California? And can we raise donations amounting to $100
    per species for the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment?
    Unlike a Birdathon, teams and individuals in the Challenge will be
    working with each other instead of competing against each other.
    Everyone from elite birder to backyard observer can add to the ultimate
    state total. In the spirit of Luke's passion for county listing, species
    will be tallied county-by-county as well. Focusing county-by-county will
    be essential if we are to reach the 400 species mark, as we'll need a
    grass-roots effort from observers looking for such isolated species as
    Great Gray Owl in Tuolumne County, Yellow-footed Gull in Imperial County
    and Greater Sage Grouse in Lassen County.
    As of this point, the dates are set and we're working hard to set up the
    coordinators for all 58 counties in California. Also, we're working hard
    with our friends at CRPE to set up a simplified mechanism to pledge
    donations to the effort. As soon as these details are sorted out, we'll
    send out an update, but mark your calendars now to join us!
    Mark Eaton mark at ... 
    Steve Glover countylines at ...
    Alan Hopkins ash at ... 
    Brent Plater bplater at ... 

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