[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal

[EBB Sightings] Lake Temescal

Wed Sep 09 13:27:24 PDT 2009
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    Hi all;
    This morning between 9-11 AM, I took a stroll around Lake Temescal. Migrants were present, though in smaller numbers than last week.  Earlier in the morning, the mowers and blowers are making a racket and the sun isn't out.  Action seems to pick up around 8:30-9 AM, foregoing the need for an early start.
    On the south side of the lake, along the trail with the "No entry on weekdays" sign, (the far end of the trail is closed for repair), a BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK was chipping in the willows; 1 WILSON'S WARBLER was seen; 1 WARBLING VIREO; and 1 flycatcher that wouldn't allow a good look.  There was also a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET in a flock of CHICKADEES and BUSHTITS.
    On the north side of the lake, 1 BULLOCK'S ORIOLE female or juvenile was in an alder; 4 YELLOW WARBLERS, 2 of them bright adults and 2 duller young birds, were noisily feeding in another alder up the trail.  In the small stream that enters the lake, a GREEN HERON was skulking (thanks for the tip from 2 other birders).  Two early juvenile WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS were on the ground near the waterfall.  There are 2 young stripey-headed PIED-BILLED GREBES who hang out with the MALLARDS near the stream.
    Good birding,
    Pat Bacchetti

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